It’s the day after Christmas. The day we have looked forward to for so long has passed.
Living Faith had a Christmas Eve service and it was wonderful. The attendance was great, think people were glad to be able to worship in person once again on Christmas Eve. We also had a Blue Christmas open house where one could visit many stations at their own pace and reflect on life and loved ones.
Last Sunday a young man called and asked if I could open the store so that he could brig some children to shop for their mother. Was glad to do so. He came in with four small children who were able to find just the right gifts. Was a joy to have them come in.
We often complain about customer service or more likely the lack of it. Want to give an award to the employees of Pet Supplies Plus in Macomb. When I entered the store, I was greeted by a nice young man who asked if he could help. Two other employees also asked if they could assist me. I was not expected to check out my own purchases. My compliments to the employees of the store on doing such a good job of being both helpful and friendly.
Congratulation to Jim and Ronda Roberts for winning the Christmas light contest in Plymouth. Their display was all white lights and was lovely.
Drove to Keokuk to Rand Park for their Christmas light display. It was so pretty that I drove through it twice as did the car just ahead of me. I know a lot of work goes into setting up the display but it is certainly appreciated.
On the way home from Keokuk, my phone rang and it was a gentleman wanting to tell me that he enjoys my column, then at church this morning a young lady wanted to meet me. Cannot tell you how much these kind gestures mean to me. Thank You.
Hope you have been able to enjoy some of the colorful sunsets and the full moon during this week. The full moon rising in the East has been spectacular on a few evenings.
I have three fish ponds in the side yard. Decided that it will eventually get cold and that it would be a good idea to cover them while it was warm. It has been so dry that I had to fill them up first. The fish are now snuggled in for the winter. They are probably happier now that there is not ice on top of the water.
I noticed that one of my lilac trees is leafing out this week. It has several branches of green leaves and more buds ready to pop. Afraid it will soon understand that this is not a good idea.
Even though Christmas is over, my sincere hope is that you will still have Hope, Peace, Joy and Love in your heart. Our family is very small and we are all on the same side of the political isle but that is not true for all families. Let us work very hard this year at being nice to everyone despite if we agree with all their ideas or not. We are all just short time passengers on the same planet and life is much better for all when we show love to each other.
May you have a good week. As we enter into the New Year, may we be thankful for all our blessings and may each of us be a blessing to those around us.