Today is Easter Sunday. This is the most important yearly celebration for Christians. No matter what your life in this world is like, Easter promises us a better life after this one! Churches have had to adapt, unless of course you live in parts of the South. Our pastor created a video of her sermon including two songs by famous entertainers. There were also messages from our youngest members. All in all, a nice message and very much appreciated. Thanks to all who worked so long and hard on the video.
Things one learns while being at home. My weather station has an alarm. Who would have guessed. I don’t know how I turned it on and it took me three days to figure out how to turn it off. Always keep the instruction manual. More importantly, remember where you put the instruction manual!
Each day I receive a couple of phone calls from people out of the area checking in with me. These calls, texts and emails are very much appreciated as normally I live alone.
We had a pink moon this week. Found that it was called a pink moon because it occurred in the spring. I want a better reason for a name. The evening was clear and the moon beautiful even with just binoculars.
There has been hail all around our area. Thus far Plymouth has missed it. Very glad for that as many of my flowers are in full bloom and I want them to last as long as possible.
There were two quotes this week that I would like to share with you. The first is from my daily devotional book. “Loving one another doesn’t mean we must feel affection for others. It means the we are to act in a loving way even when we would rather not. We may never achieve the level of God’s perfect love, but we can let go of grudges and respond to hurtful behavior with kindness and gentleness.” Well said.
The second was on face book this morning. “Your grandparents were called to war, you are being called to sit on your couch”. Sort of puts things in perspective doesn’t it.
I need to get back to work soon. I have been pulling dead bamboo and then last evening I tried to cut some small trees with a hand saw. I now know that I am red blooded not a blue blood and that I bleed very freely. Too bad I can no longer give blood! My body and hands in particular cannot stand much more of not “working”.
Had a car load of people stop by the store on Friday. Obviously they were taking social distancing very lightly. Again said that the store could not be open. Also had a call for a B&B guest. Though I hate to turn guests away, I must. Inviting a guest into my home to stay in a bedroom, use my bathrooms and eat in my kitchen is just not possible now as I have no way of knowing where they have been and who they have been in contact with. I am in that “age group” who are vurnable.
I have not been grocery shopping for over a week so am using things on hand. I had a can of salmon so made salmon patties. Here is the recipe. It is better than the ones I have tried in the past.
Salmon patties. One can salmon, ¼ cup finely ground onion, ¼ cup corn meal, ¼ cup flour, 1 egg and 3 tablespoons mayonnaise. Mix all together and fry in a bit of olive oil or shortening of your choice. These browned nicely and held together well. I used light honey mustard as a sauce but then I use light honey mustard on most everything!!
Have a good week. Think of those around you even more than you think of yourself. You may be strong and healthy, but you may come in contact with someone who is neither of those things.
The Lord is risen!