Many of you will remember Mable and Keith Horney who lived in the big house with columns just north of Augusta. Keith had a Rock Shop in the barn near the house. Got the news that Keith passed away this week. He lived with his son in Texas. I believe there will be a service at Scott’s cemetery during the week of Plymouth Old Settlers. Our sympathy to the family.
Robert Fairchild also passed away this week. He was first married to Connie Hoelscher and is the father of Mary and Ben Fairchild. So many losses for our area. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.
Well it is official. Summer is on its way. I moved Victor and Victoria to their summer home this week. Also uncovered the fish ponds tonight. I know that the fish lived through the winter in the biggest pond because I saw two in it tonight. Will check the other two ponds with a light when I can.
Have started mowing to get some much needed exercise. I am sure that I will get more mowing than I want soon!
Had a really nice lady at the B&B this week. She came to visit some of the cemeteries in the area. We had a lot in common and I enjoyed meeting her. She enjoys Irish team dancing which I think would be really good for the mind and the body. She was also a widow having lost her husband 24 years ago.
Was good to see some neighbors helping another neighbor clear the end of what used to be Dot’s yard. It really looks nice. Hope this will encourage others to also clean up their property. I have to keep some of my blinds closed in the B&B rooms.
If anyone sees a very large, chain saw carved bear, mine disappeared off the patio this week. He is about 5 feet tall, has a rotted base and has initials on what is left of the base. I had him positioned by a pot of flowers as if he was “smelling the flowers”. I miss seeing him when I go out the back door.
We had eight for Bible Study this week if one does not include Prince Harry who did sit on his own chair for a short while. He enjoyed Mary Hohe’s lap the rest of the time. Mary Ruth Phillips brought dessert. The group will meet again starting in the fall.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday there was a photographer at Living Faith taking pictures for a booklet to be comprised of people who attend the church. If you did not have a chance to get your photo taken, please provide one to the church so that you can be included in the booklet.
Last week I asked a young man not to skate board off the steps of the Community Center. I understand that I have been ridiculed for doing so on face book. The windows of the Community Center are huge and they are made of heavy plate glass. They have already been broken two times. I am concerned about the safety of a person being injured by breaking glass. We have had too many serious accidents in our community already.
Saturday was the last antique auction at the Sullivan and Son Auction Center as it has been sold to an implement company. I understand that Will Sullivan is going to continue with auctions and I do hope that Chad Thompson will continue to scout antiques for me and other dealers in the area. We will so miss the Auction and Event Center as many things were held there such as prom and the West Point Fire Protection dinner. We wish Mike and Kelly a good retirement. (It would be OK if you change your mind about retiring!)
Today, Sunday, was the annual Tennessee School Alumni Reunion. It is held at Faith Fellowship Church in Tennessee. We had 24 in attendance. My father actually graduated from Tennessee High School and I attended there in 7th grade before moving on to Colchester Grade School for the 8th grade.
Have a good week. Scatter Kindness.