Our sympathy to the family and friends of Sue Strope who passed away last weekend. She had recently been elected to the Village Board. There was a pot luck held in her honor on Friday at the PCCC.
Also our sympathy to the friends and family of Dennis E. Slater, Jr. of Indianapolis who passed away. He was the brother of Dixie Anderson of Plymouth.
Lonnie Tournear, who was Judy Gordy’s brother, passed away on Sunday. He attended Central while I taught there. We are so sorry to hear of his passing and send our sympathy to his friends and family.
Plymouth Women’s Circle will have a home made pie and ice cream stand at Plymouth Old Settlers on Saturday, August 26th opening at 10 am.. The stand will be on the east side of the Village park. The funds which we raise are used to keep the PCCC going. As we are getting fewer and older, if any one would like to donate home made pies or work in the stand, it would be appreciated.
Brick Wall Pizza will also be selling pizza by the slice under the Community Center awning on Saturday of Old Settlers.
Has been a busy week of cutting shrubs and weeds both uptown and at home. Worked on the south side of Antiques I and the west and south sides of Antiques II. Got so enthused that I also worked around the bus garage and the walnut tree behind the store. Hopefully it looks better and will last until Old Settlers as we all like to get the town spiffed up for that event.
Wednesday I attended the dinner sponsored for the customers of the Bowen Bank. It was held at Sullivan and Son Event Center. There was a good crowd and the food was prepared by Sly Fox. Appreciated being invited. Thank you.
Thursday we had rain. That is a good thing. I had 2.5 inches in my gage. The bad thing is that I was in Macomb and drove home during the worst of the storm. It was really awful to try to drive a V W through the down pour and all the water running down the roads. Made it safely and just sat our behind my garage to decompress for a while.
Again I want to thank all the people who donate cans for the Community Center at Plymouth Rock Antiques. I took in a load on Friday and got $62.04 which will pay the water bill for a month. Thank you.
Saturdays are usually good days at the store but this Saturday was slow. When things are slow, I get work done at the store. Come in and see my new shelves. One can actually see the hats and hat boxes now. Also found a lost credit card under one of the hat boxes. Moved around a batch of stoneware also.
Always looking for a good place to eat so Mary Hohe suggested that I join her and Tom at the Red Ox after church on Sunday. Decided that would be nice. Thanks for asking and thanks for lunch. It was appreciated.
Saw Dave Ellis putting out signs for Old Settlers at the junction of Il 61 and 336. Hope everyone is gearing up for the event. The B&B is pretty empty. Have one reservation for Saturday night but others cancelled. If you have some one coming in and cannot house them, you might suggest Plymouth Rock Roost B&B to them.
Have a great week. Scatter Kindenss.