Monday saw a hurried trip to Quincy to stock up my booth at Sullivan’s Antiques and More. Now that I have a new employee for the store, hopefully I can get there more often.
Tuesday there was a Red Cross Blood Drive at the Lutheran Church in Augusta. As I have O negative blood and am a universal donor, I took off for Augusta as soon as I left the store. They had three beds and all were full when I got there. I believe they exceeded their quota for the day. Thanks to all who give blood to help others in need.
Wednesday morning had my last appointment with Dr. Reem as he is retiring. Will certainly miss him. Though I have had a pneumonia shot, he suggested that I get another. I believe the vaccine is called Prevnar 13 and he says you should get that particular vaccine if you have not already done so. Not sure if that is for people of any age or just for us more “mature” folks”. Any way check it out with your doctor.
Plymouth Women’s Circle met at the PCCC on Wednesday. Hostesses for the event were Carolyn Ussery, Wendi Mattson and Joyce Steiner. We were very happy to welcome Judy Gordy back as she is recovering from a very serious illness. Keep Judy and Wanda Eddington is your prayers. We miss Wanda not being able to attend Circle.
Thursday there were eight ladies present for Bible study and the home of Joyce Steiner. Pat Phelps leads the study which meets at 9:30 on Thursday morning.
Our Women’s Circle project for December is to make goodie boxes for many people in the Plymouth area. Set off on Thursday to deliver my assigned boxes. Found two people home. Left others in doors, on chairs and in a car. Called all who I could reach to tell them where they would find their treats. Took Dot Burdett’s to her at Heartland.
Early Friday morning’s entertainment was trying to round up all my kitties to go to the vet for their annual check up and shots. Got all but one which is not too bad. When I got there, they told me they only had one dose of one of the vaccines so have to take kitties back to the vet next Friday too.
Saturday was a very busy day in Plymouth. It began for me with Second Saturday Breakfast at the Community Center sponsored by Plymouth Pride. We served from 7-10 am. We had a good crowd and I would like to thank every one who came out to eat. We try to improve breakfast each month. We added a buffet line with canned heaters this month. We had biscuits and sausage gravy, sausage, eggs, potatoes, fresh fruit and beverages. Poured mountain dew over the fruit to keep it fresh again and that really works. Tried adding bananas to the mix to see if the soda would work with them too and it does. Please plan to come for breakfast on January 9th.
Santa also visited Plymouth on Saturday morning thanks to the efforts of the Old settler’s Committee. Did not get to go see Santa as I was at the breakfast.
Kevin and Carolyn Bullard had a Christmas party for the residents of Plymouth on Saturday evening at the Legion Building.
Thanks to everyone who came by Plymouth Rock Antiques on Saturday. Had a very busy day.
After I closed the store on Saturday, I headed for Vermont for a Christmas party with Ray and Kathy Goodell, Dave and Debbie Hays and Larry Naslund. Great friends, great food and a lovely evening.
Picked up the donuts on the way to Living Faith United Methodist Church this morning. We have donuts, juice and coffee available every Sunday morning for folks who want to take a few minutes to visit before church services. Cameron Fleener was pianist today and did a great job. Thank you Cameron. Am sure that he was part of the Christmas musical at the school today but just could not make it to the program. Sorry to miss it.
Hope you are not disappointed that the precipitation is rain and not snow. I am very happy that it is not snow!
Have a great week as we all prepare to celebrate the birth of the Christ child. Scatter Kindness.