Our Sympathy to the family and friends of Goldie Wimsatt. She was the sister of Jim Mattson and had fought a courageous battle with cancer for some time.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were spent with the Chosen Ones and the Lester’s on a trip to Branson, Missouri. This is the 6th year that I had gone with this group so by now there are several people I know in the groups. This year we had four bus loads for the trip. Our busses left Manchester at 8:15 on Monday morning. Our first stop was at Sirloin Stockade in Rolla. We stayed at the Camden Hotel in Branson. Our first show was the “Six Christmas Show”. The Six are six brothers who do a wonderful show of songs all without accompaniment. One of the gentleman had a really unusual hair style. He achieved enough spikes of hair standing straight up to appear to be a crown. Said he accomplished this feat with hair glue. On Tuesday we saw the Dixie Stampede dinner and show. Dinner is served with no utensils so that is a bit messy. Then we were off to see Moses at the Sight and Sound Theater. If you have not been to this theater, it is a must. I was on the second row and 3 people from the center isle. That is interesting because animals and people are always going up and down the isle and up on to the stage right by you. Horses, lamas, goats, sheep, donkies, camels, one long horned shaggy beast I did not recognize and people kept flying by my seat. Every so often a herd of horned goats would run across the stage and up or down the isles adding a bit of levity to the show. On Wednesday morning the Chosen Ones and the Lester’s put on a Christmas Show at the First Baptist Church in Forsyth, Mo. After the show, the next stop was at Lambert’s Café which most of you will recognize as the home of the “throwed rolls”. Nice trip and about the only time I get away all year.
Thursday morning we began Bible study again. There were seven ladies and Prince Harry present for the study lead by Pat Phelps. Pat also furnished refreshments. Thank you Pat and also thanks you for the lovely poinsettia.
Thursday evening two hunters returned. Friday evening, I had three hunters and Saturday evening I had two hunters and a couple form the area at the B&B.
Friday morning I had a bit of free time so put up new lights on the gazebo and put poinsettias in various planters and pots around the house, garage and patio. Looks as festive as it is going to get!
Saturday morning I went to Augusta to the book signing by Brent Engle at the Augusta Library. His book is titled “A Few Augusta Stories”. He had 100 printed and sold out Saturday morning and will order more. I am hoping to be able to carry his book at Plymouth Rock Antiques. You may also remember that I have both of Bruce Morton’s books for sale at the store. His are on Forgottonia and Textiles.
Saturday noon I attended my first Christmas party of the year at the home of Ray and Kathy Goodell in Vermont. Kathy goes all out with Christmas decorations and I think that it is Ray who makes divine Christmas candy. Was good to enjoy a meal with many of our friends from the Collectors of Illinois Pottery and Stoneware Club. Came back to work the store for a couple of hours so that Kayla could go work at their restaurant, Brick Wall Pizza. Then off to the Legion soup supper at the Legion Hall on the west side of the Plymouth Square. Too many things in just one day.
Sunday, after feeding my guests, headed off to church in a snow storm. That was ok but then there was no heat in the church and that was not ok. Got home safely and waited around for company who did not come so went to Macomb to pick up corn for the squirrels and to see Dot Burdett at Heartland. Sleeping for a couple of days sounds really good about now but that is just not in the cards.
Please pray for those who are ill and for those who have lost loved ones. Our community has lost Imogene Bunnell, Teresa Belt, Goldie Wamsatt and one of my former students, Steve Leenerts just in the last week or so. Scatter Kindness.