Our congratulations the the CSE Lady Suns for winning 3rd place in the State finals. So glad they televised the games so that we could all watch.
Remember the West Point Fire Department Soup Supper on Saturday, March 5th from 5-7 pm at Sullivan and Son Events Center.
Also plan to spend most of Saturday March 12th in Plymouth eating out. Plymouth Pride’s 2nd Saturday Breakfast runs from 7-10 am at the Community Center on the east side of the Plymouth Square. Then Plymouth Women’s Circle will be sponsoring their annual Chicken and Noodle Dinner at the PCCC just one block west of Plymouth Square from 4:30-7 pm. Please mark your calendars for all these events and support you community activities.
Last Sunday Jo Webster, Lisa Hermann, Dennis and Carol Rankin and Joyce Steiner went to the Emmaus closing in Quincy. Tammy Bigley, wife of Pastor David Bigley, was a Pilgrim on the Walk. We welcome her to our Emmaus group.
Ruth Danielson reports that the Hancock County Retired Teachers will meet Monday, March 14th at the Trinity United Methodist Church is Warsaw at 11:30 am. The program will be given by a master gardener.
Spring is officially here. The Dairy Queen in Macomb had a line of customers on Saturday evening.
Bible Study met on Thursday morning at the home of Joyce Steiner. There were eight ladies present. Mary Hohe was hostess. We are studying lessons from the footsteps of Jesus. It is interesting to understand geographically how small the area that Jesus walked but what a tremendous impact those footsteps had on the whole world.
Got to Quincy on Tuesday to stock up my mall booth at Sullivan’s Antiques and More. Thanks to Kayla McCurdy for covering the store so that I could get that done.
Looked up on the internet when and how boxwoods should be trimmed because I did not want to hurt my bushes. The video indicated that February was the best month to trim them and that one should reach down into the bushes and take out branches so that sun can reach the innermost part of the bush. My bushes do not seem dense so I am just mainly giving them a top trim. Do not want the square look but rather the natural look which they have had. They are just getting too tall and probably a bit frightening if you have to come up the front walk. Hoping my inexperience will not hurt them.
We get an extra day this year. Use it wisely.
Scatter Kindness.