First I am proud of all the women I know, both friends and family, who stood up for what is right on Saturday. Good Job.
The Southeastern High School International Club will sponsor a pork chop sandwich, chips, and desert supper on January 27th during the Southeastern Homecoming game. Serving starts at 5 pm. The cost will be a free will donation.
Busy week. Started with a flue shot on Monday which took the “wind out of my sails” for the rest of the day and that night. Did not used to react to them. Times change.
Have been seeing eagles by the creek where Carroll and Evie Mouse lived. Always exciting to see those magnificent birds.
Got a call from Dot Burdett’s doctor on Wednesday suggesting that she enter hospice care because of some elevated kidney levels. The very next day hospice called me to come in and sign the papers. That was moving a bit too fast for me so I made an appointment to meet with a representative from Harbor Light Hospice-great name by the way. I also talked to one of my family who is in the health care business who suggested some questions which I should ask. When one thinks of “hospice”, one thinks that the patient is going to pass on very soon and that they can no longer get hospital treatment and more. First I went to Dot’s nurses and asked about her health problems. Seems they are congestive heart failure related. That made sense as she has suffered from CHF practically as long as I have known her. Then I talked with the hospice nurse for quite a while. I was very impressed with her, the program and all the answers which she gave me. Harbor Light Hospice will come to visit Dot twice a week, give her baths, do her hair, her nails, do her vital signs, sit down and talk with her, have a minister come and visit and more. Dot will appreciate all this extra attention. I signed the papers. She is 96 years old and will be 97 on April 1st. She will stay at Heartland and can get hospital care if she should need it.
After completing my responsibility for Dot’s care, I went to check out Sullivan and Son’s Auction for Friday and Saturday. Decided to go on Saturday.
Also on Saturday the Plymouth Old Settler’s Committee sponsored a soup and potato bar at the PCCC. There was a great crowd for the supper.
Sunday was church as usual then I went to Quincy to get a door bell and a spot light for my yard. Was 50% successful. No one in Quincy seems to carry the spot lights like I have any more and it has not been long since we replaced one of them. I hate to use Amazon because I feel it takes business away from local stores, but when the local stores do not have what one needs, there is little choice. Any way the door bell is up and works and I can even change the ring tone!
If you drive by Brick Wall Pizza, you note new lights. That is great because they were needed. New signage is to follow. Someone called me Saturday night thinking Plymouth Rock was the pizza place so I gave them the correct number 309 458 3300.
As well as scattering kindness, which we really need to do now more than ever, we also need to pray for our nation and its leaders.