Plymouth Area News for the week of July 22nd, 2019, by Joyce Steiner


Our sympathy to the family of Analie Wright of Plymouth who passed away on July 16th.   Saw her every year at the Tennessee School Reunion.

Also our sympathy to the family of Gladys Koehser of Quincy.  She died on July 17th.  Gladys and her husband lived in Augusta and she worked at the bank in Augusta.  She was also a member of living Faith United Methodist Church in Bowen.

Both these ladies will be missed.

Told you last week that I had cousins visiting from Michigan.  They are relatives on my mother’s side of the family and so are related to many of the Welch’s, McCord’s, Murray’s and more buried in the Argyle Cemetery and in the cemetery in Argyle Lake State Park.  Once again I was able to find that hidden cemetery and show them the stones of relatives from long ago.  We also found how to find the cemetery from outside the east side of the park but decided it was a shorter walk to go to it from inside the park.  Very interesting.  There is a plaque showing several of the people buried there as one enters the cemetery.  We enjoyed dinner at the Mexican restaurant in Carthage then drove along the Mississippi to Nauvoo and Keokuk.  Was sorry to see them leave on Tuesday but they are already planning to return here where their roots are.

Took several entries to the Hancock County Fair on Tuesday evening.  That is always fun.

Wednesday there was a special Plymouth Village Board meeting.  Very little was accomplished.

Thursday I went to the Hancock County Fair in Augusta.  There were many events going on at once.  Watched the horse show for several classes.  Thought it was neat to see many of the participants taking their cows for a walk around the grounds.  Also watched the antique tractor pull, the newer massive tractor pull and some of the truck pull.  Though I know very little about these events, they are really interesting to watch.  Not sure I would want to put that much strain on an expensive vehicle but then those people would probably not want to load for an antique show in hot, humid weather.  To each his own!  Good to have varied interests.

Friday evening I attended Bye Bye Birdie in Quincy with Dennis and Carol Rankin and their daughter and Jo Webster.  Was a delightful play.  A very proud Grandfather, John Twaddle and friends were there to see his granddaughter perform.  We ate at the restaurant in the Quality Inn just across from the Civic Center and it was delightful.

Aldi in Macomb has reopened as has the restaurant which was formerly Max and Molly’s.  Aldi’s is more spacious and brighter.  It has been totally rearranged so right now it is difficult to find things but we will soon get used to the new arrangement.  Noticed that the prices are a bit higher also.  Glad they are open again.

Since this was 3rd Sunday weekend, I spent part of the week loading for the show.  Life goes on despite the heat.  Got set up in good time on Saturday and did some shopping for the store.  There was a good crowd at the Market as usual.  Got loaded in good time and got home before dark.  Not sure Beauty was glad to see me as she had to take her medicine again.  She seems to be doing well despite the surgery for tongue cancer which she had last week.

Hope you have a good week.  Remember to be kind to those around you.

Posted in Plymouth News