Living Faith United Methodist Church welcomed their new pastor, Sheri Renner on Sunday. As Methodists often do, we are planning a pot luck on next Sunday, July 9th immediately following the service. Why not come and join us? Sunday School is at 9 am and Church services are at 10 am. The pot luck should begin around 11 am.
The missions committee of the church is busy working on the annual back pack project. Back packs and school supplies will be given out to all students in the Southeastern School District on Sunday, August 6th. If you would like to be a part of this worthwhile project, you can send a check to the church with “back pack project” in the subject line. We helped about 200 students last year so we have a lot of supplies to purchase for this year.
Many of you will remember Connie Heitman and her husband. They stopped by the antique store on Monday. It was good to see them.
On Tuesday a group from Illinois Education Association Retired met at HyVee in Macomb to plan meetings for the coming year. We meet 4 times a year in Rushville and all retired IEA members are welcome to join us. We have interesting topics at our meetings and try to keep informed on what is happening in Springfield that will affect teachers both active and retired in Illinois.
Would like to thank the Plymouth Village Board for getting the house torn down on West Main Street. It has been an eye sore and a danger to young people in the village for some time. We have more to go, but it is good to see a start.
Ran to Quincy to stock up my antique mall booth, get some shelving for my linen closet and eat on Wednesday. Always measure before starting a project. Got the shelves put together and in the closet but there is not enough room to get around them. Got a different set today and got them put together but am going to wait until I have time to cull out some sheets before I change out the shelves. Gave some sheets to a friend whose mother makes rugs. Got a rug in return for a pile of sheets. I think that was a fair trade as I got a rug made from some of my favorite sheets.
Saw Mike and Pat Creek at the Golden Corral on Sunday. Pat and I taught at Central at the same time. Was good to see them.
Got some peaches from Southern Illinois while in Quincy. Like most peaches, some were good and ripe and others not. Most of mine are falling off my tree so do not know if I will have peaches or not. Friends noted that squirrels pick them, take a couple of bits and leave the rest. Others said this was because the squirrels needed moisture so I put a pan of water under my tree just in case that was true. Easy fix if it is. Should have tried that with my strawberries!
Had a number of customers in the store on Saturday. Thanks for stopping.
This week we celebrate the birth of our nation. Enjoy the celebration. Am not sure just how joyful we all were when loud fire works were shot off in town about midnight last night. Perhaps we could also be kind to our neighbors and pets who fear the loud noise.
Have a great week. Enjoy the 4th celebrations. Scatter Kindness.