Plymouth Area News by Joyce Steiner
Freddie Hoelscher brought me some rhubarb and I finally stopped long enough to bake a pie on Monday evening. I got too much sugar in it. Guess rhubarb is not as sour as goose berries and I use the same recipe for both. Finally took a quarter of the pie to Freddie and hope he enjoyed it as much as I did even though it was sweet.
We had almost 4 inches of rain on Monday night. Ugh!
Tuesday I ran to Macomb to get provisions for the B&B and for 3rd Sunday Market. Ran into Brad and Marcie Hopping at Ponderosa and enjoyed talking with them.
Been mowing most days when it is not raining. Also got my orchids out for the summer and some brush and weeds out of the yard. Have been cleaning the garage as June has extra trash pick up in Plymouth. It is really nice to have four weeks of extra garbage pick up-most towns do not have that many days. Thank you Village Board.
Friday Carolyn and Kevin Bullard and their family sponsored a street dance in front of the Community Center on the east side of the square. Though no one was dancing while I was there, they had a nice turn out. Perhaps they should have called it a block party of a Plymouth Square party instead of a street dance. A really big thank you to the Bullards for all their hard work and generous donation of the food. They had served 144 hot dogs when we counted but the evening was not over yet. Thank You.
Saturday morning, I left my B&B guests and asked them to feed my kitties on Sunday morning. I headed off to Bloomington for 3rd Sunday Market. Got there in good time and got set up with not trouble. Had some time to shop and got a huge dough bowl and snow shoes for the antique store. Had good sales on Sunday. The antique show economic forecast is stronger than last month as we got several checks and did have people ask about using credit. It is my opinion that when people only spend cash that the economy is stagnant.
Today was Pastor Bruce Weiman’s last service at Living Faith United Methodist Church in Bowen. We will miss him but wish him well at his new charge. As pastor, he gave us many opportunities for growth and I sincerely appreciated that and tried to take advantage of many of the studies offered. Our new pastor starts services on July 5th and we look forward to meeting him and his family and working with them.
We had a storm in Bloomington on Saturday night and when I watched the news tonight found that Lee County Iowa was hit pretty hard too. Have not talked to anyone here to know how much wind and rain we got.
Well long week and very busy one and it is time for some rest. Have a wonderful first week of summer.
Scatter Kindness.