My daffodils and Lenten roses are blooming and shivering. Hope the low temperatures do not kill the trees that have leafed out. The weatherman suggested covering trees. Just don’t think that is a real possibility in a lot of cases.
With all the storm warnings we have been having, have been welcoming neighbors with out basements to my home. Another good place to be if there is a tornado is in the vault at the store. Only problem is getting there in time! Plymouth has been so very fortunate with the lack of storm damage thus far.
The Staff Parish Relations Committee met at Living Faith on Monday evening. Good group of people on the committee. Committee membership is not always fun but is very necessary to keep a church and church community going so volunteer if asked, volunteer even if you are not asked!
The visitation for Terry Rankin on Tuesday evening at Hamilton Funeral Home in Augusta was huge. I tried to stop by near the end of it but the line was still across the parking lot. Again our sympathy to family and friends.
Thursday there were nine ladies and Prince Harry present for Bible study lead by Pat Phelps. Mary Hohe was hostess. Enjoyed pecan pie and cookies.
Saturday evening the Plymouth Women’s Circle hosted their annual chicken and noodle supper at the PCCC from 4:30-7 pm. We had a wonderful crowd and I think we served over 120 meals and sent home a lot of quarts of chicken and noodles. I must mention the desserts. We had a wonderful selection of home made desserts-there were pies, cakes, cookies, brownies, lemon lush and much more. What a great variety. A really big thank you to all who came out and supported the supper.
Bruce Morton has a new book out called “Forgottonia-The Audience”. The book had a wonderful review this week by Jonathan Blaustein on the website “” It is a lovely book and is available at Plymouth Rock Antiques. Bruce will be signing copies at New Copperfields Bookstore in Macomb on April 22nd.
Sometimes I tell you about readings in the Discipline that speak to me. Monday’s reading contained these thoughts. One should pray, read the Bible, praise God and love their neighbor. To expand a bit from my head-one should pray and we often do when in peril, we should also remember to thank God when these prayers are answered. Sometimes we do not get the answer we want but that is life. Loving one’s neighbor is harder. Some of our neighbors are not very lovable. I try praying for them-do not know if it does any good but it softens my thoughts about them at least.
Have a great week. Hopefully spring will appear again soon. Scatter kindness and try to love your neighbor.