A grand lady went to be with her Lord this week. Our community lost Dorothy Torok at 102 1/2 years young. She leaves a large family to mourn her passing and as well as many friends. Our sympathy to family and friends. I believe services will be Friday and Saturday at the PCCC.
I had two lovely guests at the B&B this past week. When we first moved to Plymouth, the Auten family lived across the street. They had two daughters, Luanne and Katy. Luanne Fuller and Katy Schertz returned for the funeral of Paul Lee and stayed with me. It was just wonderful to see them again. They have grown into fine adults and I hope they will return soon.
Monday evening the Church Council and the Staff Parish Relations Committee for Living Faith met. Several subjects were discussed including updating the use policy for the church building. Skylar O’Neal gave her resignation letter as administrative assistant for the church. If you are good at finances, writing news letters, working with the pastor, calling people for committee meetings and all the other things which help a church run smoothly, please call Carol Rankin at 217 242 2296.
“This Is Us” ended for the season on Tuesday. It will be replaced by a show called “Rise” which I believe will also be a very popular show. It looks like many hot topics will be handled by the show. It will be on at 8 pm starting this Tuesday.
Attended the visitation and funeral for Jean O’Neal on Thursday and Friday. Many years ago, I had a mobile home on their property in Augusta. She was a very caring lady and will be missed by all who knew her.
Bob McCannon, from Burlington, visited my antique shop on Friday. He brought along a stoneware vase for me to look at. It had doll heads around the outside. Since I knew it was special but did not know who made it, I asked if I could photograph it and put it on the face book site for our stoneware club. Now think it was very special indeed as it probably was made by one of the Kirkpatrick family who are famous for Anna Pottery.
Living Faith will be sponsoring a trivia day on Sunday, March 25th after services and after a lunch provided by the church. The contest is to be a fun afternoon to raise money for five children’s ministries of the Methodist Conference. We would love for anyone to be a part of this trivia game. You need not go the Living Faith to be on a team. If you would like to participate let Curt Eddington, Kathy Holst, Chris Foster or Carol Rankin know. The money will be raised from a $15 entry fee per person or $30 for a family.
It is difficult to know what to write about the Plymouth Village Board and their actions. May I suggest that any who are interested in Plymouth, plan to attend the regular Board meetings which are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 pm at the Village Hall. Perhaps each person on the Board feels they are doing what is best for the Village but to some of us it does not seem that way. Instead of cleaning up the town and tearing down the buildings which are falling down and would rid the town of places for coons, possums, skunks etc. to live and breed, some members are trying to ram through an ordinance which would limit the number of cats or dogs which one may have to three. One Board member also suggested shooting all the kitties in town. This may seem “funny” to some but to the majority of people, kitties and dogs are family. They bring comfort to those who care for them. It would be wise to have less stray kitties in town. Please tell that to the people who regularly drop off unwanted pets in Plymouth and expect someone else to care for them and get them spayed or neutered.
The people appointed to the Metzger Trust Board should be carefully chosen. They should be people who have worked and will work for the good of the small Village of Plymouth. As I mentioned last week this should not just be a political game. A third member for the Board was voted on on Monday at a special meeting called to work on the animal ordinance. It was known that one Board member would not be present at this meeting and as a result that three people could control the vote.
Please pray for those who have lost friends and family-there are so many! A world where kindness is shown to all would be a lovely world in which to live. Scatter Kindness.