Plymouth Area News for the week of March 27th, 2017 by Joyce Steiner

Have been noticing that the robins are out if full force.  Also my peach trees are in full bloom.  Still have a few small peach trees that need a home and some of them have blooms also.  Let me know if you can provide a home for a peach tree or two.
Most of this week was spent loading for an antique show in Paris.  Also spent Friday evening in Mexico.  One of my friends said “I certainly went out of my way to go to Mexico to get to Paris”.  Not so out of the way when they are both in Missouri.
My credit card processor sent me a new credit card machine, which was good since one of their employees killed mine while reprogramming it.  Now I just need customers to see if the new one works.
The Hotel Nauvoo has ribs as their added meat on Wednesday evenings.  Had planned to take Ed Newton to the Hotel on Wednesday to celebrate his birthday but a church committee meeting got called on the same day so we had to change the birthday dinner to Thursday.  Some how I never made it to the Hotel on a Wednesday last year so I took my self over for ribs on Wednesday evening.  They were just as great as I remembered them.  I love the river drive from Hamilton to Nauvoo so took that route to Nauvoo even though it may be a bit farther.  There were canvas back ducks on the river.  Not great flocks of them but scattered groups all along the way.  So nice to see ducks and geese and other wild life.
Thursday there were nine ladies and the Prince for Bible study.  Arlene White was hostess.
Friday morning I took off for Paris.  Left early enough to work in lunch at the Golden Corral in Quincy.  There is usually someone I know there and was happy to have lunch with Dennis Hillard from Plymouth.  Shopped a few antique stores on the way down but did not find anything too exciting.  By the time school was out and the gym floor covered, it had stopped raining in Paris so was able to unload and get set up without getting wet.  There are always great dealers in Paris and I enjoy the show.  There are also people from here who attend the show.  John and Arlis Dittmer were there so got to ask John to take on my tax preparation as John Faulhaber is retiring and he has always done our taxes since I was married.  Glad to have someone I know and trust to do them for next year.  Other friends from Quincy and former students were also at the show.
After I finished setting up, went to Mexico to the home of friends for dinner and for the night.  Also took them a Morton turkey cookie jar.  Ray and Kathy Goodell from Vermont were also there so enjoyed being with friends.
The show went pretty well on Saturday.  Always want to sell more than one does but that is life.  When I work a show I always greet the people entering my booth and they usually ask how I am.  My reply is “that every day on the green side of the grass is a good day”.  Most people get it.
Got loaded and decided to come home through Hannibal and to stop at the Golden Corral there for dinner.  Would you believe that they were featuring ribs on Saturday evening.
Dragged myself out of bed this morning for church.  Pretty long weekend for us old folks.  After church stopped by KD’s Coop for lunch with Mimi Lawton.  Would you like to guess what there special was-ribs. 
A reminder that the grave side service for Dot Burdett is Sunday at 2 pm at the Plymouth cemetery.  Every one is invited to come to the PCCC after the service for a time of sharing.
Tuesday, April 4th is election day for local races.  The Quincy mayoral election is pretty important and is on the news and in the paper a lot.  But the Plymouth mayoral election is also important as is the vote for village trustees.  The two year term on the Board is uncontested but there are 4 people running for 3 seats for the 4 year terms.  Please do your homework on the candidates and be sure to vote.  It is important.
Heard the news at Bible study that Mary Fairchild Bunney is very ill.  Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers.  It is always good to be kind to every one and to all God’s creatures.  Scatter Kindness.
Posted in Plymouth News