Plymouth Area News by Joyce Steiner
The area lost three good men this week. Gene Douglas and Gary Hale passed away on May 3rd. I remember Gary from the Plymouth Legion Memorial Day celebration each year on the Plymouth Square. Gene Douglas used to mow Dot Burdett’s and my yards. As he did not see too well, he sometimes hit one of the many obstacles I have in my yard. He would toss the broken pieces under a bush thinking I would not notice. He also would come into my store and talk to me. Once he gave me a photo of one of his show dogs. Recently he had been in Heartland Health Care in Macomb just a couple of doors down from Dot Burdett.
Donald Parker passed away on May 6th. He and his wife Eileen had been married for 69 years and I think we all knew that he would soon want to be with her again after she passed in December. Don was a great history buff and I enjoyed reading about his experiences during WW II in the Hancock County Historic Society news letter. The photos of Gene and Don which were in the newspapers were both from younger days and it was interesting to see that they looked similar- both being very handsome with lots of wavy hair and a ready smile. It is very sad to lose these men. Our sympathy to all the families and please remember to keep them in your prayers.
Monday I spent a vey long day in Macomb taking an eight hour food handling course. There was a room full of us. We listened, watched videos and took practice tests for the whole day. Even after all that, the test was 90 questions and there were several questions that we had not covered any information on. One of the guys in the class was a caterer. I attended the McDonough County Museum annual meeting on Tuesday evening and that person catered the event. The speaker for the museum event was Mark McDonald of Illinois Stories which airs on PBS. He gave a very interesting presentation about the show. He noted that no one is able to use notes while filming the show. Also there is very little editing of the show. Mark talks to the person who is being interviewed so that they become comfortable with the material which will be discussed. During the filming, they just talk about the things which they have discussed with each other. He allowed the audience to ask questions. It was an interesting evening.
The church council of Living Faith United Methodist Church met on Monday evening. We continued work on a short survey which will be given to persons who attend the church to help guide the future of the church. Look for the survey in the next newsletter and someone from the Council will be contacting you for your input or you can contact one of us.
Visited with Dot Burdett on Tuesday and Sunday as it was Mother’s Day and I had a plant to take her from the church. She fell earlier this week and hit her head but seems to have no ill effects other than a bump and bruises.
Have been mowing most every morning. Cannot keep up with the grass as it has been getting a lot of moisture.
Had local customers at Plymouth Rock Antiques this week. A young man wanted some cast iron cook ware. He had never been in my shop but once he came in, he came back. He noted that my prices were less than the flea market in Burlington. Had another gentleman in this week also looking for cast iron cookware. Camping season must be starting.
The Plymouth Village Board met on Wednesday evening. Chris Sanson was sworn in as the new village president. Dylan McCurdy and Cara Nanninga were sworn is as new board members and Michele Burton retained her seat on the Board. Other members are Tony Miller, Wendi Anderson and Gary Hurt. Please support these people as each of them wants to help Plymouth be the best that it can be. Our thanks to Jim Mattson, Bruce Eddington and Marlene Kimble.
Remember the green houses in the area. The Long’s greenhouse is just to the west of the PCCC on west Main in Plymouth and the Van Beck’s greenhouse is on the blacktop east of the Plymouth curve. There is a sign on the black top for the green house which is located south of the main black top.
Hope you have a good week. Enjoy spring as spring is always too short.