Martha Gray passed away on Thursday. I believe she was postmaster at Plymouth. Her brother, Donnie Logan, was a good friend of my father. They both loved Indian relics. Our sympathy to the family.
Monday I was sitting on my patio and saw the first lightening bug of the year. On Friday I was sitting on the patio with a B&B guest and we saw several lightening bugs. Fun to watch them. One of God’s interesting creations.
Mimi Lawton’s daughter Ann was with her at church today. Mimi’s son has also been visiting his mother.
Last week I mentioned that I got tomato plants from Taylor Phelps. They were lovely and only $2 each. He has three green houses and has vegetable plants for sale. He does not raise flowers yet-may have to convince him that it would be a good idea. After I planted the tomatoes, they grew visibly over night. Very nice healthy plants. His green houses are located just east of Plymouth. If you go around the curve going east out of Plymouth, you take the first right hand turn to the East and go the where that road turns back to the north, turn into the gravel driveway on your right. There is also a sign at the turn. phone 217 242 9454.
Also planted some lima beans, green beans and beets. Now I will have to keep the weeds down and hope for rain.
Plymouth Women’s Circle met on Wednesday evening at the PCCC. Hostesses were Judy Gordy and Pat Rash. Jo Webster gave the program on her recent trip to Africa.
Have Adams fiber TV. Had one set that did not work and one that the picture kept “freezing”. I supposed that it was the company but turns out that it was the boxes which each TV has. Two gentlemen came on Thursday morning and fixed the problem. They were very knowledgeable and very nice young men. Thanks Adams.
Have a B&B guest getting property ready for hunting season. Very nice person who is mostly invisible. Certainly is no trouble as he does not want breakfast and leaves before I get up. Nice to have company.
There were finally several people at the store on Saturday. Perhaps people are hesitant to come in with all the ladders etc at the stores. Getting them repainted. It takes a long time as there is so much decorative brick work to be painted two different colors. Should be done this week.
Today was Mother’s Day. One of those holidays that I am not sure just how to handle as I am not a mother but have “mothered” many students, kitties and do have step children. Hope you enjoyed the day. The weather was just wonderful. We got very pretty geraniums at church and KD’s Coop gave each lady a flower with lunch.
Keep your neighbors and friends in your prayers. There are a lot of people who need prayers for improved health.
Scatter Kindness.