Read of the passing of Gail Lierly on Thursday. Remember her from my time living in Augusta. Sorry to hear.
Also the brother of a friend passed on Wednesday. John Merker was the brother of Dan (Jean) Merker. Dan is an avid collector and a friend. Our sympathy to both families.
Attended a wedding today! Haley Dixon married Carl Shahan at the Lorenzo Bull House in Quincy. Nice to be asked to attend. Haley and I just seem to “hit it off”. They have moved back to the Plymouth area and Haley has taken a job in Macomb rather than Quincy so I hope to see her more often. Congratulations to the couple.
Jim Johnson stopped by the store this week. He used to live in the house where our garage now sits. Had not seen him for many years and it was really nice to see him again.
Had a flat of rings out at 3rd Sunday Market-all in the 5-15 dollar range. When I unpacked, I was playing with my diamond tester and one of the rings I had priced at $15 has two fairly large diamonds according to the tester. Guess one should really test jewelry before they put it out! Who says there are “no bargains out there”. That ring was on display all weekend!
For seven years, Susan Conlon lived on the farm where I grew up. I had not seen her for a very long time until she spoke to me at the restaurant a couple of weeks ago. As she is planning to sell her home and acreage and move to southern Missouri, she asked me to come and look at some of her antiques on Friday. It was so nice to catch up with her again. The photos of her new home look just lovely. I hope to visit her after she moves.
We had quite a storm on Saturday. I was at the store but did not have my weather radio turned on. I was caning when I heard sounds of something hitting the walk and my car. Turned out to be hailing. I turned on the weather radio at that point and it said that the storm was stationary over Colmar. I think it was stationary over Plymouth as it poured and hailed for some time. I thought there were no peaches on my tree, but turns out there were two! They are both now laying on the patio. My beans have lovely lacy leaves also. Glad that there was not more damage.
After church today, we had a pot luck lunch. Dennis and Carol Rankin and Jo Webster gave a program on their recent trip to Africa. Sorry to have to miss a portion of the program to go to Quincy but glad to go to the wedding as previously mentioned.
Each week I implore you to “Scatter Kindness”. This is not an empty request. My husband and I moved to Plymouth in 1978 because we found a house we loved. Also small towns are good places to live. Several people/couples have moved to Plymouth with the thought that they could improve life for others who also live in Plymouth. For what ever reason, research shows that improvement in buildings and conditions often comes from those who move into a community. A few people in Plymouth, and any where else for that matter, can bring about great positive change or do harm. If you see children not being treated correctly, trash in yards, people driving recklessly, laws being broken, animals being abused, children or adults being bullied, say something. If nothing is done, keep saying something. Attend Village Board meetings. Jesus suggested “turning the other cheek” but I don’t think He meant for us to allow ourselves to be bullied or beaten down by someone just because they can get by with it. Plymouth needs a police presence for many reasons. Support those working for positive change. And remember to Scatter Kindness too!