Our sympathy to the family and friends of David Harrison. He passed away on April 26th. He had been ill for some time. His brother, Paul Harrison, attends Living Faith UMC and we have been praying for David and his family. The visitation and funeral were at Living Faith. So nice when churches can work together for the common good.
Last Sunday when I went to the store to feed the ferals, five customers came in. Good to have customers no matter what day it is. Thank you.
Monday I went to Quincy to finish changing my booth at Sullivan’s. Looked up and saw a young man walking down the aisle. Thought that he looked like James Aleshire but it couldn’t be because James lives in California. Turns out it was James who was back to visit with his daughter on her birthday. Good to see them both.
We had three inches of rain in Plymouth during the storms in the early part of the week. Another inch and a half later in the week. Enough already!
Wednesday morning I went to Macomb to check out the Lowderman Auction which is held on Thursday. Stopped by HyVee for an early lunch. There are some really nice people in this world and my former physics teacher, Ron Ruebush and his wife, have to be two of the best. They came in while I was eating. They bought pastries and came and sat with me. Ron said that no one should have to eat by themselves.
The Plymouth Village Board met on Wednesday evening. There was a lot of discussion of water bills and who should have access to the computer. New Board members Gary Hurt, Curtis Baldwin and Lisa Fundal were sworn in. They replace Dylan McCurdy, Kathy Crook and Mike Inman. Mayor Sanson thanked the retiring Board members and Dylan thanked everyone for allowing him to serve the community.
Thursday, I did attend the auction and bought three Aladdin lamps, a twig chair and more.
There was a very large crowd for the Yocum benefit held at Pop A Tops on Saturday. The Plymouth Women’s Circle fixed a funeral lunch for the Goodin family at the PCCC on Saturday. Thanks to all who helped.
Sunday was the first week for Sunday School for the children at Living Faith. Sunday school is lead by Pastor Sheri. I think there were six students for the first week. Sunday school meets at 9 am. There were lots more for the children’s sermon during services. So nice to have so many children in the church.
Ruthanne Danielson asked me to announce that the Church Women United of the Colchester area will hold Friendship Day on Friday, May 17th at 1:30 and Hills Grove Church. All area ladies are invited.
Noticed some corn is up just east of Bowen. Feel so sorry for the farmers having to deal with all this rain. Hope it dries up soon so they can get into the fields again. A reminder to watch out for slow moving machinery when on the local roads. Help everyone to be safe.
Have enjoyed the last two sunny days. The rain and warmth certainly have made the grass and weeds grow.
Have a good week. Scatter Kindness to all.