Don’t forget that this Saturday is the 2nd Saturday of May and that means that the Plymouth Pride Breakfast is from 7-10 am at the Community Center on the east side of the Square. We will have biscuits and sausage gravy, meat, eggs, potatoes, pancakes, fresh fruit, grilled cinnamon rolls and beverages. We are going to try to have a delivery service if you cannot make it to the Community Center. Please call 309 333 7778 if you would like to have breakfast delivered.
Monday I had two people in the antique store who had never been in before because “you are never open”. Makes me sad because the antique store is open six days a week and has been for 34 years now. A reminder that we are open noon-5 pm Monday through Saturday or you can call for special times.
The Plymouth Village Board met on Wednesday evening. There was a good crowd in the audience too. Hopefully people are interested in what is going on in our small village instead of just being interested in what they want specifically. That has often been a problem for Plymouth and I am sure for any small town. The Board is trying to do what is best to keep our Village going. Lawn waste and brush may once again be taken to the Village property by contacting Tedd or Phyllis. All materials will need to be checked before being taken to the property to be sure that only lawn waste is put out there. Once wood is cut into boards etc, it may not be taken to the Village property.
Thursday I checked out the Lowderman Auction in Macomb and decided to go to Quincy to stock the antique mall instead of staying for the auction. Need to get to Sullivan’s Antiques and More more often because one has to keep new merchandise in the booth to keep selling.
Friday we had a great day at the store. Thanks for the wonderful people who shop Plymouth Rock Antiques. We appreciate you and you will find a large selection of merchandise in all price ranges at the store.
Saturday I went to the auction at Sullivan and Son. It was just great. There are so many friends that I see at many auctions. Bought a van load of great things. Stopped by the store to check on Kayla who was working for me. All was well at 5 pm when we left. Went back about 8:30 after visiting with Dot Burdett in Macomb. Sometime in the time between 5 pm and then a portion of the ceiling had fallen in the old café building. Never a dull moment. Hopefully the ceiling will be repaired on Monday morning. Just glad no one was there when part of the suspended ceiling decided it did not want to be suspended any more.
Many of you will know who I am talking about when I mention a man and his adult son who drive a pickup and are in the area quite a bit. They used to come to the senior center dinner in Augusta. They travel around to various flea markets and the Amish community and sew leather and demonstrate various sewing machines. Saw the father in Aldi’s on Saturday evening and asked him how he was doing. He said “not very well”. Seems that his son has been taken from him and is in a nursing home. The father had a hospital bracelet on his arm. Some one asked where he was living and he said “where ever I park the truck”. Think this family could use some prayers.
Hope you had a good Mother’s Day. Our church had geraniums for each lady present this morning. They were appreciated. Please keep our pastor in your prayers as he is having some health issues. Was good to see Carolyn Hamilton at church this morning.
Hope you have a great week. Scatter Kindness.