Adams is shutting off their cable TV and going to fiber TV. If you want the Hallmark channel, you have to buy a fairly large package. I have 5 TV sets because I have a B&B and this is going to get pretty expensive. I went to Wal Mart and bought an antenna which was supposed to be good for 50 miles so I thought I could get the Quincy channels with the antenna. After much grief and some help, I found that I could get 7 channels. Those 7 channels were PBS and religious channels. Did not think my guests would be too thrilled with that selection so I will bite the bullet and get the higher priced package of fiber TV.
It is bow hunting deer season. I have had a variety of hunters from Mississippi and Michigan. Though many, many hours have been spent in the woods, there have been no deer harvested as yet. The weather looks better for the coming week so perhaps they will have some luck.
At the Plymouth Village Board meeting on Wednesday, the Board hired another part time policeman. Glad to see that.
The store traffic has been slow this week but two friends stopped by on Thursday. It was really nice to see them both. Jennie Castlebury used to live in this community and now lives in Carthage. We had a really good visit. Thanks for stopping by Jennie!
Saturday morning I drove to Clayton for the visitation of Dr. Ed Nielsen. He and his wife, Esther, were the kind of parents teachers wish for each of their students. They had four sons, Niel, Tom, Jeff and Joe and it was a real pleasure to see all of them. Theirs was just a wonderful supportive and successful family. As all of the sons live out of the area now, they will be missed here.
The Halloween party at the Legion building was a success with approximately 100 Trick and Treaters stopping by. Thanks to Kevin and Carolyn Bullard for sponsoring the event again this year. I think that in the future, most towns will have a controlled Trick or Treat process rather than having children go from house to house. I see a lot of that in Quincy. There was a drive through Trick or Treat event there. Living Faith also had a controlled event. Hot chocolate was served and luminaries could be lighted for loved ones. It was also a success. It is a shame that we have to worry about our children going from house to house but that is the world in which we currently live.
Today was the first of my Thanksgiving celebrations. Many of us from Living Faith went to Golden for their Thanksgiving turkey dinner. It was great as always. The church putting on the dinner has it down to a science. Did not have to wait in line at all and everything is ready and well served.
Plymouth Women’s Circle normally has a Christmas Bazaar in November. We are changing it this year. We will have a soup supper with sandwiches, dessert and drink on Saturday, November 18th beginning at 4 pm at the PCCC. Soup will also available by the quart to take home. There will be a bake sale and home made candy for sale as always. Donations for the meal are $7 for adults and $4 for children. Plan now to join us for the soup supper with carry outs.
The Plymouth American Legion is sponsoring a benefit for the Mike Turpin family. It will be on Sunday, November 12 beginning at 4 pm. Dinner of ham and beans and corn bread and soup will be available for a donation for the family.
Have a good week. Scatter Kindness.