Plymouth Area News by Joyce Steiner
Don’t forget Evelyn Baker’s sale on Saturday from 8 am to 7 pm at her home on Main street.
Have been working with Virginia Metzger’s executer and her things will be sold on an Ufkes auction on December 1st in Carthage.
Spent the first part of my week unloading from Spoon River. Then tossed a bit of stoneware in my van for the Collectors of Illinois Stoneware and Pottery convention which was held at the Stoney Creek Inn in East Peoria. As I am on the Board, had to be there a day early so as soon as Bible study was over on Thursday, headed for East Peoria. Really could have just put the car on auto pilot as I head over the same roads for 3rd Sunday Market and Spoon River Drive. Just make a different turn in Pekin. Convention was really great. I think we had around a hundred people registered because we had 79 still there for the banquet on Saturday night. Speaking of the banquet, the food was wonderful. The caterer really did a great job with both chicken and beef, great salad, green beans and new potatoes. One sees so much stoneware at convention that the average person would either be thrilled or wonder just what was causing all the excitement. I added two dogs to my collection and bought a van load for the store. We have an auction on Saturday evening after the banquet and slide show and there were over 150 pieces in the auction. I bought a number of local pieces from Macomb and a 20 gallon also from Macomb. Large crocks are “in” as they can be used for so many things including end tables if one puts a top on them. Friends Ray and Kathy Goodell from Vermont and Dave and Deb Hays from Mexico, MO are also on the Board so I spent a lot of time with them. A long time stoneware collector and fellow vender at 3rd Sunday Market is gravely ill. He came to convention anyway. Please keep Jerry Beall and his family in your prayers.
I have not heard any news since Wednesday evening but understand that our pastor Sheri Renner was in a car accident. Hope she is doing OK. Since it is deer season, I am sure the deer are upset and on the move to try to keep safe. Please be especially careful of both farm machinery and deer at this time of year.
When I got home, found that some plants which I thought would be safe under the garage porch had actually gotten pretty well frozen. Hope they survive.
Have a good week. Enjoy the beautiful fall weather. Please keep those who are ill in your thoughts and prayers.