Donald Melvin of Augusta passed away on Monday, October 3rd at Golden. He is the father of Mixie Tippey, Vicki Bradbury and Donna Bruenger. Services were Friday at Living Faith United Methodist Church. Our sympathy to his family, many of whom attend Living Faith, and to all his friends.
There was a finance committee meeting for the Living Faith United Methodist church on Monday evening. Thanks to Chris Lambert for attending the meeting and working on the church budget with our committee.
On Tuesday and Friday the low tire light came on in my Caravan. Nails in tires both times. That is most unusual as I cannot remember the last time I had tire problems. Hum…
The Plymouth Village Board met on Wednesday evening. A good and short meeting. There seemed to be no division on items discussed this month. Still working on getting down the Knowles house on the west side of Plymouth.
Attended Lowderman’s Auction on Thursday and got two stoneware Sleepy Eye pitchers. The pitchers made of stoneware are more rare than the regular ones. Will be for sale as soon as they get a bath. Also got some other things for the store. Dennis Hillard and Dennis Gordy, both from Plymouth, were also there.
Stopped by Heartland to visit with Dot Burdett and Francis Fain both formerly of Plymouth.
On Friday evening a musical group called “2nd Generation” performed at the Augusta Assembly of God Church. Proceeding the program there was a tenderloin or steam burger dinner. I did not realize that there is little cross over among our churches. Of course I know the pastors at the Assembly of God and I knew some people who were there from Macomb but did not know any of the others at the program. Nice program and was happy to have the members of the group stay at Plymouth Rock Roost B&B.
Saturday was a two pie day at Spoon River Drive. Had gooseberry for breakfast and cocoanut crème in the afternoon. My niece, Marcella Hardin came over on Saturday to help me out.
Sunday was only a one pie day-rhubarb pie for breakfast. Many thanks to Sam Meek, Nichole Thomas and Montana for coming over to Smithfield and helping me pack and move home after Spoon River.
I talk a lot about shows and how we do at them but another important aspect of my doing shows is friendship. On Saturday a friend came to eat in my booth and whispered in my ear that he was going from three days of dialysis a week to only two days and that the sessions would be an hour less in length. Good news. I always have a table and chairs in my booth and people come and share meals there. Two gentlemen always stop by my booth and this year, there was only one- a hug was shared but the obvious question was not asked.
There is so much cancer among my friends and I ask that you keep those people in your prayers as well as those in the path of hurricane Matthew. Scatter Kindness.