The Staff Parish Relations Committee of Living Faith United Methodist Church met on Monday evening at the church in Bowen. The big news of the evening was that we hired Skylar O’Neal to fill the position of administrative assistant due to the vacancy left by Chris Lambert’s moving to Ohio.
On Tuesday, Illinois Education Association Retired met at Deb and Di’s restaurant in Rushville. The main program was given by four exchange students from Saudi Arabia. It was interesting that on the same day women were given the right to drive in their country. One of the presenters did not think this was a good idea. We were talking about elections in America and were reminded that there are no elections in Saudi Arabia as they are ruled by a king. We also learned that Saudi Arabia has had three phases. There was a country for a time then chaos broke out and there was not a country twice in history. It is always interesting to learn about other cultures as I have not done a great deal of traveling outside the United States.
Wednesday I made a quick trip to Macomb to pick up a few groceries and did some mowing after I closed the store. It is so dry that not all the grass is growing but there is some that gets really “seedy”. Anyway got the store lawn cleaned up.
Kevin and Ingrid Lingenfelter have a new grand baby. His name is Alexander Lee Matthews. He is the first child of Becky and Tommy Matthews. Congratulations!
We had nine for Bible study on Thursday morning. Mary Hohe was hostess.
Francis Fain passed away this week. She lived in Plymouth straight north of my home. She had been in Heartland for a long time. She ate her meals with Dot Burdett so I spent many meal times watching them eat at the home. Our sympathy to her friends and family.
Friday and Saturday found me at Sullivan and Son’s auction house. Friday was a large auction of mostly antiques and Saturday was an auction of mostly stoneware. Got a van load on Friday for the store. Got two really nice trunks, an oak child’s roll top desk and a bachelor’s chest as well as a bunch of smalls. On Saturday bought stoneware for both my collection and for the store. Will have to keep one blue and white dog for me. Tried to buy some local pottery for my collection but did not get those pieces from Tennessee and Camp Point.
Visitation for Kent Morton was held at Living Faith on Friday evening and services were on Saturday. The church also served a meal for family and friends on Saturday.
Getting started on packing and moving more things to the Red Brick School at Smithfield for the Spoon River Drive. The Spoon River celebration is October 7, 8, 14 and 15th this year. I was told that there are more venders at the Red Brick School then there ever have been before. The weather is to be great this weekend so there should be a really good crowd for the Drive. Hope you will be able to come over on one or both weekends. Remember the home made chicken and noodle dinners are served at the Red Brick School where I am set up!
Hope you have a good week. Scatter Kindness.