Plymouth Area News by Joyce Steiner
First I would like to remind you that Plymouth Pride will be serving their Second Saturday breakfast this Saturday, October 10 at the Community Center on the East side of the Plymouth Square. Start time will be moved to 7:00 am and breakfast will be served until 11:00 am. There will be sausage gravy and biscuits and pancakes served with your choice of coffee, juice or milk for a 5 dollar donation. Please come out and enjoy a good breakfast, chat with friends and support the Community Center.
The next weekend Plymouth Pride will be sponsoring a weenie roast and a hay rack ride. This celebration of fall will begin at 5:00 pm at the Plymouth ball park. There will be weenies, some mores and drinks. A 5 dollar donation will include everything. More details next week.
And finally, Kevin and Carolyn Bullard will have a Halloween open house at the Community Center on Halloween. It will run from 5:00 -8:00 pm. Everything is free. Others are invited to pass out goodies at the Community Center instead of having the children go from house to house. You may bring your treats inside the Community Center or pass them out from your car parked at the Community Center.
All the humming birds have not left yet as I saw what appeared to be an immature ruby throated humming bird working my butterfly bush on Monday. There were also monarch butterflies enjoying the bush.
There was a finance committee meeting at Living Faith on Monday evening. Those present included pastor Dave, Bruce Morton, Glenadene Webster, Donna Harrison and Joyce Steiner. Like all churches we need more finances to help “get out the good news of Jesus” and to be able to do what He would want us to do.
We were able to see the full moon on Monday as the sky cleared but the eclipse was on Sunday. Sigh…
Tuesday, Illinois Education Association Retired met at Rushville. There was a good group present to hear the presentation by Rich Frankenfeld on insurance and the present status of teacher pensions. Glenadene and I spent another evening together!
Had to bow to Ameren and turn on the heat on Wednesday evening. Hopefully my new energy efficient furnace will keep my home a bit warmer and also a bit cheaper than last year.
Thursday, Pat Phelps lead Bible study at my home. We welcomed first time attendees Lisa Herman and Tammy Bigley. Carolyn Ussery was hostess.
Since one should always have a busy day, I also loaded the Caravan and Dylan McCurdy and I loaded his truck and we took 2 loads of things over to Smithfield for the Spoon River Drive also on Thursday.
Friday I headed to Smithfield and set up my booth for the Drive. Surprisingly I did not have all my tables full and took over more things on Saturday morning.
Great sales on Saturday so I took over even more things this morning, Sunday. We always have a good time at Spoon River because friends set up next to each other. Karon and John Baumgartner and David Moffit and I are all on the west end of the gym and we managed to eat our way through two days in addition to selling.
Stopped by Gentry Motor Company on Friday morning because I had a low tire warning on the Caravan and it needed to be able to make many trips to Smithfield. Had a delightful surprise. My husband, Ben Gentry, and I purchased a new Thunderbird convertible shortly before his death. It was the only car that he had owned since he was always a car dealer. Eventually I gave it to one of Ben’s sons who sold it. The surprise was that another of Ben’s sons, John, bought the car back and it will now reside in the Gentry family again where it rightly belongs. Thanks John.
Well it has been a very busy week but a very good one. Hope your week was also good. Pray for those who need prayers-who doesn’t? Scatter Kindness. Also remember that the Spoon River Drive continues on October 10th and 11th.