Monday I had a lovely large cactus blooming behind my garage. As I had two hunters who had had green houses, I dragged them out to look at it and neither had seen one like it or knew what variety it was.
Some of Ben’s nieces and nephews were in the area of hurricane damage and flooding. Keep that area in your thoughts and prayers. His niece lives in Auburndale, Florida.
I took a photo of some very unusual clouds last week and sent the photo to Mike Cole at WGEM. It was on the early news but I missed it.
The Church council of Living Faith United Methodist Church met on Monday evening. Things are going well with our new pastor, Sheri Renner.
Still had B&B guests on Monday and Tuesday evening. Enjoyed having them. They are preparing for bow hunting in November.
Johnny Gaither is starting to paint my home. As he is doing very thorough prep work, it is going to be a long process but he promises me it will be beautiful when he finishes and I believe him.
Wednesday evening Adams had their annual dinner for members of the cooperative. The crowd was huge. They gave everyone who attended a very generous bill credit. Thank you Adams. Jeff Phelps was elected as the Board member from the Plymouth area. Congratulations to Jeff.
Aldi’s currently has orchids for $7.99. Think that may be the cheapest I have seen them. Am not getting carried away this time but did get two new ones. I am finding that the 3 ice cube watering method really does work for me.
We had nine for Bible study on Thursday morning. Pat Phelps is leading the study. Ann Lawton was a guest and Mimi Lawton was hostess.
Friday I finished loading for 3rd Sunday Market and left early Saturday morning for Bloomington. Got set up and did a bit of shopping. Got a nice Red Wing crock for the store. Also bought some purple Birkenstocks with sets on them but Marcella ended up with them-that is probably a good thing. Love my new booth at 3rd Sunday.
As it has been a really long week, think I will say good night and go upstairs to watch the news. Hope you have a great week. Scatter Kindness.