If ever there was a time to be thankful for living in a small community or rural area, it is now. Hopefully others will realize the advantages and think of moving. We have large yards, open spaces, parks and fields of corn and beans. We have rivers and streams to enjoy. We can bird watch or star gaze because there is not a lot of light pollution. We know our neighbors, good or bad, and if there is trouble those neighbors will most likely be right there to help out. We do not have riots in the streets. We are less likely to have an outbreak of the virus but we are not exempt. Small towns are usually not too far from a larger town if there is a medical need or the need to shop. Small towns may even have places where you can find all the necessities. Our area has been so lucky to not have hurricanes, forest fires, riots, police shootings, political gatherings and more. I would love to see all factions work together to clean up our small towns and let people know just how nice small town living can be so that we can attract new families to live, grow and prosper in them.
Our sympathy to the Dick White family of Augusta. I understand that he passed away this week and that his wife passed shortly before him. At church this morning, it was announced that another family member had passed. So sorry to hear.
Also learned that a teacher with whom I worked lost his daughter, Sharon Hendricks. Our sympathy to the March family of Clayton.
You all know that I feed feral kitties who come to my store. The problem with ferals is that if they are not neutered, they multiply. Managed to catch two a couple of years ago and get them neutered but have not been able to catch any lately. Last week I made an appointment with the local vets office for Tuesday morning for whoever I could catch. Turned out that I got a young female in a fish net on Monday evening. She was not happy and I know that my blood is red. Anyway, one down and three to go. Have another appointment for a kitty on Tuesday morning. Hope I can catch another one!
We had Staff Parish Relations Council and Church Council meetings for Living Faith on Tuesday evening. We decided to go to one church service on Sunday morning. The service will be at 9 am on the church lawn. It will be live streamed and available for watching later. The service is held on the south lawn of the church. Masks are not required of you are able to social distance and since the service is outside the building. In case of rain we will move the service inside with appropriate rules. All are welcome!
My solar panels were operational for the whole month of July. My energy bill was 78.83 less than the comparable month last year. The fence has been completed around the solar panels at Living Faith. Love using the suns energy to generate energy. Read an article this week which indicated that painting only one blade of a wind turbine black can cut bird deaths greatly. Simple solution.
Each evening, I try to take a few minutes to just sit on the patio and enjoy the night sky. The moon is getting fuller so see more moon and less stars right now. Both are beautiful and the sounds of the insects are so peaceful. Another advantage of living in a rural area!
Noticed the Plymouth police car driving around town this week so we must have a policeman again. Saw him in person, from a distance, and think there might be a lot of young ladies wanting to get arrested!! Hope he works out for the town and enjoys small town life.
If you enjoy really beautiful photos, you might want to join the Facebook site, “Illinois Birding Network”. I have been absolutely amazed at the quality of the photos on this site. Checked with people smarter than I about sharing these photos and it seems to be fine. As I put up a post on face book most every morning, will likely share more of these great photos. Two other sites which I enjoy are “Midwest Photographic Society” and “Illinois History”.
Hope you have a great week. Pray for those who are ill, who have lost loved ones, who need work, who may be lonely or just pray for our nation and our leaders in general. Scatter Kindness.