We Are Community 127
Our sympathy to the family and friends of Rev. John Wilkey who passed on Dec 6th. He was a former pastor at the Augusta Methodist Church.
Santa had a busy week. One of his stops was at the PCCC on Saturday. His visit was sponsored by the Plymouth Old Settler’s Committee. There was a full house. Children could talk with Santa, have photos taken with him and each received a gift. Refreshments were available. A big thank you to Santa and all his helpers.
After visiting Santa, one could shop the craft show at the Plymouth American Legion and then Plymouth Rock Antiques, all located within a block. Thanks to all who came to Plymouth and visited with Santa and shopped on Saturday.
Think my printer has passed over. Printed 50 Christmas letters and it was working fine. Thought I would do 75 more later and it was NOT working fine. Tried to shut it off and it “circled” for a day after which I pulled the plug. Glad we have Adams Experts to help with this kind of problem as I don’t know how to connect a printer.
The Plymouth Village Board met on Wednesday evening. Short meeting, nothing accomplished that I could see. No committee reports. The Village has a new attorney as the last one was elected to a political office.
Attended the Lowderman Auction on Thursday. There were lots of nice wooden rolling pins and two racks of granite ware. Interesting auction. Got some things for the store and am still pricing.
Think I have found how to get noticed on Facebook. I have a new kitten. She was cuddled by my face last night as we watched a Hallmark movie. I took a “selfie” of her and posted it. I had well over 100 likes and comments within a few hours. Perhaps when I post something for sale at Plymouth Rock, I should post a kitten photo first!
Got an email from Arizona commenting on one of my columns. Never know how far it is reaching or how some find it, but am grateful that it has meaning for some people even when far away.
Want to thank the Village of Plymouth for purchasing decorations for the park and especially thank Tedd Simmons for working so hard to get them all put up. Park looks lovely.
Mentioned writing my Christmas letter this week. Will share a portion of it with you- Christmas is a very special season. As we await the birth of the Christ child, we light 4 Advent candles. They symbolize Hope, Love, Joy and Peace. Without Hope, life has little meaning. I cannot imagine life without Love. You may remember I wrote a whole column on Love. Joy and laughter are not the same. Joy is the feeling one gets when looking at a beautiful sunset or being in tune with nature or being with friends. Lastly Peace is what we all seek. Peace can be found when we are in tune with our God and our situation, whatever that may be.
May you find Hope, Love, Joy and Peace this holiday season and may they continue in your life in the New Year. Scatter Kindness and Love.