There has been a lot to celebrate this week. The Hancock County Fair was this week in Augusta. Good to have the fair back again this year. The Olympics started in Tokyo after a years delay. Got to see a bit of the opening ceremony and was very impressed by the drone display. Thought it was very nice for the celebration to be on my birthday also. Looking forward to stopping a bit this week to watch the Olympics as it is so good to see the whole world come together in peace.
Started off my week early in the dentist chair at 8:15 Monday. Working on a new crown. Think each of us deserve a crown don’t you.
Thanks to Linda Higgins, Ron Clark and Roger Hocker for working with me to get together our High School Class Reunion. We have lost several classmates since the last one and that is sad.
Spent a couple of days unloading the van from 3rd Sunday Market. Does not take as long to unload as it does to load as one does not have to decide just what to pack, only to put things back where they belong.
All the rain has made the flowers and grass grow. Dave Leenerts, small engine shop, just returned one of my mowers which I had hit a tree root with and badly bent the blade. Almost immediately hit a metal culvert and bent it again. Guess I should not be mowing when it is nearly dark but sometimes that just cant be helped. Don’t really mind mowing as it gives me exercise but sometimes it is difficult to get everything done as I am sure you all know.
If you have been passed the antique store lately, you will have noticed that I have sunflowers blooming. They came up from seed from last years flowers but are much larger than the original plants. Love the bright cheery yellow blossoms. Also the sweet potato vine that I got from Bob Kessler is doing well and growing rapidly.
Picked my first two tomatoes this week. I bought only heirloom tomatoes this year and this plant was supposed to be a yellow, lemon flavored tomato. The tomatoes were bright red and tasted like a regular tomato. That is ok because what is better than a fresh home grown tomato. Also got a couple of small yellow squash. Tried them in an Amish recipe that was good but not special so will probably go back to steaming them with seasoning and bacon.
The phone calls started early on Friday for my birthday. Appreciated most of them, the ones about my auto warranty not so much. A big thanks to Ed Newton for helping me celebrate my birthday at the Hotel Nauvoo, my very favorite place to eat. Were friends at both adjacent tables so that was nice too. Also got a big cupcake and the waitresses and other guests sang Happy Birthday to me. Was able to prolong the birthday celebration to Saturday with dinner in Macomb with family. Got three orchids to add to my collection.
After dinner, I went on to Vermont to take some stoneware to friends. That was a mistake. The weather report was to be pretty good all week and did not expect to be caught is a really bad storm on Saturday night. I take the blacktop from Vermont to Industry, to Plymouth. The rain was torrential. Could barely see the road, could not see the water on the road and was in my VW which does not have a lot of clearance anyway. When I finally got safely into my garage found that I was shaking but very thankful to be home. When I looked at my phone for the weather , found that there was just a narrow band of storms running from east to west and think I drove through the entire storm.
If you have not gotten your covid shot yet, please consider those around you and get it. Just having wave after wave of covid is not acceptable when it can be prevented and lives saved.
If you have been outside in the evening, you will have noticed that we have had a full moon this week. It has been gorgeous. The smoke in the air has given the moon more color than usual. Have tried to photograph it but usually just got a round white spot. Too bad as the real thing has been so beautiful.
Pastor Sheri is on vacation this week so Pastor Jeff Rasche filled in. He is such a good speaker and I appreciated his message this morning on helping others who are less fortunate than we are. No matter what our circumstances, there is always some one we can help out of our abundance.
Have a good week. Watch the Olympics if you can. Look to the heavens and enjoy the moon and stars. There are so many flowers blooming right now and they bring butterflies and bees to beautify our lives.
Just take a few minutes this week to give thanks for all our blessings and remember to Scatter Kindness to all.