Today is Mother’s Day. A day we celebrate the mothers in our lives – we all had a mother. Most every person is a mother in some way. Some the traditional way, others through adoption or the nurturing of a child or just looking after another living thing. I am presently a “mother” for feral kitties, kitties who live with me and many plants but was also a “mother” for many students in the past. Men can be “mothers” too as many men parent and nurture children. No matter whether the mother in your life is still here, passed on, is the mother of your children, nurtures others or takes care of other of God’s creatures, honor them. And mothers, please do your best to act in such a manner that you deserve to be honored.
Two of the local papers no longer are printing obituaries. Because of that, it is very possible that I will not have the information on people who have passed on. I am very sorry about this and hope that this is soon rectified.
This week saw many fields of corn emerging. Beautiful sight. All those tiny little lives sprouting in straight rows. Also saw my first lightening bug of the season this week. Filled two humming bird feeders and have had two visitors to them. One of the hummers is almost black and perhaps is just passing through as it is not the typical color for the ones that normally feed here.
I have been buying for the antique store from individuals as there are presently few live auctions. Worked with two families this week as well as attending Lowderman’s auction on Thursday. Bought an early sewing machine in a two door cabinet. Best one I have ever seen. The top has a very fancy gallery around it and the cabinet is made of walnut. Don’t think I have ever seen a walnut two door sewing machine cabinet before. Quite attractive. Please someone come and buy it before I have a chance to take it home with me.
Last week I mentioned in this column that I needed a roofer. Interestingly enough my phone now has ads pop up on it for a roofing company. If you think “big brother” is not tuned into everything on the internet, think again. Never post anything you would not want a future employer or anyone else to read. Nothing is private. While we are on this subject, I use credit cards which pay cash back. In the past, I have just called and asked for a check to be sent to me. This week when I called, the gentleman informed me that they no longer send checks but that they could direct deposit the money in my account. Surprisingly I did not have to give them my account number. They already had it! And I thought that kind of information was not kept on file. Should make one think.
Attended the Plymouth Village Board meeting on Wednesday. Was very happy to meet the new village attorney. He will attend the meetings and he seems very bright and articulate. Chatted a few minutes about Plymouth with him and he indicated that all small towns pretty much share the same problems. There was a lot of discussion about the Plymouth ballpark and a contract was accepted to get the park in working order. Plymouth is missing out on many guests because the ballpark is not ready to be played in. Hope we get it finished soon. The new mayor, Dave Ellis, was sworn in as were Tammy Weber, Dylan McCurdy, Dustin and Cody Smith. Hope the Board will be able to work together for the good of all the Plymouth residents. Nicole Merriman was reelected as Village Clerk.
One of my devotional readings from this week included “1 Peter 8: Above all, love each other deeply because loves covers a multitude of sins.” Good advice. If we actually love each other, there will not be the political divide, to color divide, the economic divide and more. However it is also partially up to us to be “lovable”.
“Love God with all your heart, mind and soul and love your neighbor as yourself.”