We Are Community 98
Our sympathy to the family of Gary Hetzel II who passed away this week in Plymouth. His grandfather owned Hetzel’s Garage. Services will be Friday at the Plymouth Circle Community Center.
Spent a couple of days unloading and putting things away from 3td Sunday Market. Think two days may have been a record. Also put a stained quilt out in the sun hoping for a miracle. Will try again when the sun is out. Have been weeding and mowing. Amazing how fast the grass is growing. The flowers are really nice this year and have lasted well probably due to the cooler temperatures.
Had a funny incident at the store this week. Got out my circular say to level off the legs of a bench. It would not work so grabbed the saw in my work area and worked very hard at cutting the thick wood. As I was finishing, a customer remarked about my use of a hack saw when I had saws meant for wood in the store. He was correct. Got a wood saw and leveled out my work!
Had the opportunity to attend the “Forgottonia the Musical” this week in Hannibal. I applaud the fact that Hannibal tried to bring St. Louis Muni open air musical theater style to Hannibal. The program says that “Forgotttonia tells the tale of an American small town in crisis.” Unfortunately, that was not what the Forgottonia movement was all about. The program further starts that the setting for the play is Colchester Market Street in 1968 and 1972. Too bad that the playwright wrote nothing of Colchester, Illinois or about the actual Forgottonia movement or did not even seem to know history for that matter. One of the reoccurring songs, sung by a black man, kept referring to “pushing the plow” indicating that Colchester was built on slave labor. In fact, it was built on the sweat of largely English immigrants who worked the coal mines. I thought perhaps the lady who started screaming during the play was from Colchester but turned out it was just an unhappy lady in a wheel chair. Saw no reason to let anyone know that there were persons in attendance who actually attended Colchester schools or that there was a professional photographer who had done three books on Forgottonia.
It’s graduation time. Congratulations to all the graduates from the youngest to our Southeastern High School graduates. There was a party at Living Faith for two graduates today. Glad for them that they were able to celebrate after two years of covid restrictions. Also, congratulations to Morgan Crull, daughter of Russ Crull who has a cabin near Plymouth. She graduated from John Hopkins University with a Master of Science in Public Health with international emphasis. Sounds like a young lady who is going to help out people all over the world.
Had a tiny tiny tick on me this week. Be sure to check yourselves for ticks if you are in the woods or even in your yard for that matter. Ticks carry many diseases, some of which are very serious like Lyme disease.
Was awakened by my weather radio on Friday morning. Seems there were severe thunderstorms in the area. We have been very fortunate to receive some rain but not severe storms here. Has not been true in other areas, especially the South and the West is suffering with very severe drouth.
Again watch out for farm vehicles on the road. Was behind several on my way to Bloomington. Passed one tractor only to find that it was going to the fairgrounds where I was going. A large tractor dealership actually bought one of the main buildings on the grounds.
Have a good week. Enjoy the cool weather. Surely makes it more comfortable to mow, weed and work outside.
Pray for our world and remember to give thanks for each day.