We Are Community 116
The fact that the first day of October is Saturday may not be important to you but it is to a lot of folks. Spoon River Drive is the first two full weekends of October. Since October 1st is Saturday, that means that October 1st and 2nd is the first full weekend so Spoon River is the earliest possible dates this year. Please come and see me at the Red Brick School gym in Smithfield. Took over my fist load today and will take over another on Friday. They serve homemade chicken and noodles, apple dumplings and pie. Well worth the trip!
Plymouth Women’s Circle met at the PCCC on Wednesday evening. We had a potluck dinner. Many ladies have a special dish which they bring and I look forward to it each year. We need new members! Our group is rapidly shrinking and we are getting older. We no longer have the woman power to make soup and candy for our bazaar. We own the PCCC which is used by the community and by the Hamilton Funeral Home for funerals. For this to continue, we need some new members. We meet the 2nd Wednesday of the months of September through May. Normally we meet at 6:30 pm. It is an informal group which works for the good of the community and sometimes we have programs. There are no dues and one normally is hostess only once a year. Won’t you consider joining our shrinking group.
The Hancock County Economic Development group met in Carthage on Thursday evening. I was delighted to learn that we now have the McDonough Telephone Cooperative and a radio station from Keokuk as members. Great to see businesses outside of Hancock County see the worth of this group. The HCED group works to bring new business, support present business, train those who need it, work with the towns in the county and much more. They also support the CEO program which works with high school students in the county. This program enables students to work with present businesses and to see what is available as well as having each of them create a business of their own. The program attempts to keep the young people here rather than moving out of the county to find work.
Noting that many newspapers are merging or going out of business altogether. This is not good. When we get our news from only one source, it tends to be biased. At the present time there are so many lies being spread. If a lie is repeated often enough, it become “truth”. People need to research for themselves and not believe the lies.
Turned on the heat on Friday evening. Had a guest or I might have toughed it out. Of course, I also turned it off on Saturday!
Well, we prayed for rain and we got it. Again and again. My gauge showed 1 inch, 3.5 inches and 1.6 inches. It cooled the temperature and has brought us some lovely fall temperatures and sunny skies.
Liked this quote this week. “it’s not what you gather but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived.” As you know I ask you to Scatter Kindness and now Love where ever you go. I want to thank each of you who have made such nice comments on this column. Love you.