Plymouth Area News by Joyce Steiner
Our sympathy to the family of Frances Swisegood who passed away on Tuesday. The Living Faith United Methodist Church prepared and hosted a dinner for family and friends on Saturday.
Also our sympathy to the family of Ruth Newton. Ed Newton of Bowen is her brother in law.
One of the members of our Emmaus Community, Dennis Wherley of Table Grove, also passed away after a long health battle.
Please keep these families in your thoughts and prayers.
Had two former students Kathy and Chris Vonholt call and ask me to come to the store Monday morning. Was glad to do that and it was fun to see them both. They are both married and Vonholt is their maiden name. Of course they “lied” and said I had not changed a bit.
My niece, Shawna Sprinkle, ran in the relay for life at WIU this week. Thanks to all who helped raise money to fight cancer.
Hope you voted on Tuesday. Plymouth had a really good voter turn out. Those elected to the Village Board are Chris Sanson, president, Cara Nanninga, Dylan McCurdy and Michelle Burton. Congratulations to those who won and also to those who cared enough to run both for Village Board and School Board. Bobbi Smith won a seat on the Southeastern school board.
Living Faith United Methodist church council met on Tuesday evening. Interesting meeting and only my second meeting on the council. We will be asking church members to answer questions soon regarding the future direction of our church.
Wednesday the Plymouth Women’s Circle met at the PCCC. Rev. Mark Smith of Colchester and Hills Grove United Methodist churches was the speaker. He told us about his experience of sharing the love of Jesus with some of those at Marti Gras. Hostesses were Bev Phelps, Pat Rash and Marlene Kimble.
My daffodils and magnolia are magnificent this year. They have lasted well because it has been fairly cool. The blooming magnolia in the Plymouth park was vandalized this week. Two large branches were broken off it and thrown down. So sad to see beauty destroyed by unthinking and untrained youth.
Attended the musical, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory at Southeastern on Friday evening. So much work goes into the production of a musical. Congratulations to the cast, crew, parents and faculty involved in this production.
Saw David Kerr there as his granddaughter was a member of the cast. Was really good to talk with him. He has been very sick for over a year and says that he is now doing much better and feels much better.
Sullivan and Son had an auction on Saturday. There were a lot of nice items at the sale and I got some new things for the store. Lots of friends at the sale.
Spent a fairly relaxing Sunday. After church did some yard work, unloaded both vehicles, fed the birds and squirrels and started a new book. Hope you also had a good Sunday!
Took a salad for the church dinner and had several people comment on it. This is almost a recipe. I use “spring mix” lettuce which you can get at Sam’s, Aldi’s or Wal Mart. I add fresh fruit like sliced strawberries or raspberries and a light dressing like raspberry vinaigrette and feta cheese. It is tasty, quick and healthy!
Hope you have a good week. Scatter Kindness.