Plymouth Area News by Joyce Steiner
Our sympathy to the family of Paul Phillips who passed away on Saturday, April 11, 2015.
Flower Creek Gardens, owned by Chris and Terry Long, will have an open house on Friday and Saturday, April 24th and 25th. Refreshments will be served and there will be door prizes offering 1-5 dollars off orders. Hours for the open house will be from 9 am to 5 pm both days. You may contact Chris at 309 333 7545 or visit their web page
Monday I spent in Quincy setting up my booth in Sullivan’s Antique Mall which has moved to 9th and Hampshire. The mall opened in their new location on Wednesday.
Scott See from the Plymouth High School class of 1984 had several stents put in recently. He now lives in Texas.
Took home my hibiscus tree from the store and replanted it on Wednesday. I have owned the tree since the 60’s and it was a full grown tree at that time. Figured it needed some fresh soil.
Received word that Anne Hedgecock passed away on Thursday. She and her husband, Phil, lived in Plymouth for many years. He was also a pastor at the Plymouth United Methodist Church. She was a sister to Pauline Griswold of Plymouth.
Ila Robb stopped by the antique store on Thursday to bring some books which had belonged to my brother.
After mowing my yard once and part of it twice, took my mower to Bowen to be cleaned and sharpened for the new mowing season and stopped by Red Door Antiques in Bowen.
Dot Burdett is in Heartland in Macomb and her roommate is Eva Dunsworth. After months of knowing Eva, I finally made the connection that her husband, Chick Dunsworth, worked for my husband, Ben Gentry, and that they had even been to our home. Small world.
Bruce Morton had a book signing at the New Copperfields Book Store on Saturday. His newest book features actual textiles as well as his wonderful photography. You may purchase a copy of his book from Bruce or Copperfields.
There was a big party at Pop A Tops on Saturday. There were many cars, tractors, trucks and motor cycles parked around the Square during the afternoon.
The Hancock County Historic Society met at the Carthage Senior Center on Saturday evening. The program was given by Connie Fairchild and Mary Fairchild-Bunney. It was a very interesting program and featured many historic photographs of Plymouth and her citizens.
The Plymouth Old Settlers Committee sponsored a matador supper at the PCCC on Saturday evening. They were made by Annie Miller who used to serve them at their restaurant in Plymouth, Annie’s Place.
Spent Sunday on the road with Ray and Kathy Goodell as we traveled to Peoria for a Board meeting of the Collectors of Illinois Pottery and Stoneware.
I need a strong person with a chain saw and truck or trailer to help me cut and move brush off my property. If you are interested, please contact me at or at 309 333 7778.
Hope you have a great week. Scatter Kindness.