Plymouth Area News by Joyce Steiner
Plymouth Women’s Forum met at 5:30 pm Monday evening at the PCCC. Jo Webster showed slides and talked about her trip to Africa. Everyone enjoyed the program. Dinner was prepared by the hostesses Pam Miller and Patti McConnell.
On Wednesday I got a call to open the store before noon. Really appreciate these calls if someone comes from out of town and does not know the store opens at noon. Will always come up if I am home.
On Thursday a celebration for the life of Ann Hedgcock was held at the Hamilton Funeral Home in Augusta. After the services conducted by pastor Brue Weiman and the burial, a lunch was prepared at the PCCC by several members of the Plymouth Women’s Circle and Rhodes Market. Phil and Ann Hedgcock retired to Plymouth after Phil retired from the Methodist ministry. Ann lived with her daughter, Pat after her husband’s passing. As I mentioned last week Ann was the sister of Pauline Griswold also of Plymouth.
Don’t know if any of you watch Gray’s Anatomy but I have followed it since it began. I was really surprised on Thursday when they killed of one of the main characters of the show, Dr. Shepherd. Makes me wonder if the show will be renewed next year. If it is not, I will miss it. My other favorite shows are Castle and Nashville.
Friday evening, our Emmaus group met at my home. We had nine people present which is a great group for us. We would like to thank Mary Ruth Phillips for the pumpkin bars!
Saturday was clean up day at Living Faith United Methodist Church. I ran in and out to pick up seat cushions to be shortened by Patti McConnell of Plymouth. She does all types of sewing and alterations and is located just behind Ralph’s Service on the Plymouth Square.
Chris and Terry Long also had an open house for their new green house on Friday and Saturday. They have two green houses open and have both flowers and vegetable plants for sale. Their green house is located just west of the PCCC in Plymouth.
Several years ago a reporter from Chicago stayed at Plymouth Rock Roost B&B and wrote an article about Plymouth. The article was called “A Post Card From Forgottonia” and it was published in the New City Paper. Recently someone found this article and posted it on face book. Am very glad it has been found as I am not sure how wide the circulation of the paper was or how many people read it when it was first published. I know that I had only one phone call about it at the time. Thanks for the revival. Were a couple of errors in it.
Ben and I moved to Plymouth in 1978 rather than 88 and the “capital” of Forgottonia was on an abandoned bridge rather than in a building. I still have not found the official flags but I know they are here somewhere. They are all white and were used on the official vehicle of President Neill Gamm.
Went to Macomb on Saturday evening to visit with Dot Burdett and Darla Whitford at Heartland. Darla expects to be home this week.
It was announced at Living Faith Church on Sunday that it was the birthday of both Curt Eddington and Dixie Anderson. Happy Birthday to you.
Sunday the Tennessee School Reunion was held at the Faith Fellowship Church in Tennessee, IL. There were 23 alumni and friends in attendance. I think there may have been one class after mine at Tennessee so the reunion is shrinking rather than growing. My father graduated from Tennessee School but I only attended there in the seventh grade after attending Cherry Grove for the first six years.
Looks like the weather this week is going to be fantastic. Enjoy it. Bet there will be a lot of lawns mowed this week. The wind and cold pretty well did in the spring flowers. The first corn I saw up was on Saturday on the way to Bowen. Hope the frost did not hurt any of it.
Why not pay forward some large or small kindness this week.