Watched a funeral procession go by the store on Friday. That was very sad. Learned today that Dylan Walker passed away on Friday. So sorry to lose two young men from our communities. I think both from similar accidents. Please keep these families in your prayers.
The Plymouth Old Settler’s Committee will be sponsoring a matador dinner on Saturday, April 21st from 4:30-7:00 pm at the PCCC. The dinner will consist of matadors, drink and dessert for a donation of $7. Please come out and support the meal.
The Staff Pastor Relations Committee of the Living Faith United Methodist church met on Monday evening to interview three candidates for the position of executive assistant. We would like to thank all three ladies. We hired Deb Bozarth. She will begin training with Skylar O’Neal on Tuesday.
On Tuesday I attended the Illinois Education association Retired meeting in Rushville. Our program was given by Pam Jefferson on identity theft. Some one on the east coast got a credit card in her name and ran up over $6000 on it. She told us some of the things she had to do to get her credit cleared. There is more to this story. Almost every day, I have trash to pick up in front of my stores. Usually it is beer cans, soda bottles, cigarette packs and plastic cups. This week in addition to the usual, I picked up a credit card which had been cut in two pieces and thrown down. It was valid until 2022. It was a chip card. Therefore it did not need to be slid to operate. The chip was in good condition and could have easily been used despite the fact that the card was cut in half. Also one does not even need the card, one can make purchases just by giving the numbers, expiration date, and V code over the phone or to a computer. Luckily I was the one to find the card. I called the number on the card and asked that it be cancelled. Apparently it had not been. One should be very careful with their credit cards! It is a whole lot worse than just dropping some money and can take a very long time to clear up the mess of identity theft.
Plymouth Women’s Circle met at the PCCC on Wednesday at 6 pm for a pot luck dinner. We decorated tables with a theme which included Christmas, the library and Plymouth. We also invited guests to join us. It was a nice evening and we met some new people who we hope will join our group.
Dixie Anderson will celebrate her 80th birthday on April 26th. It would be lovely if you would send her a birthday card at Grand Prairie, #1208, 1307 Meadowlark Lane, Macomb, Il 61455. Her phone number is 309 833 6469 if you would like to call in addition to a card.
There were eight for Bible study on Thursday morning. Think the ladies are tiring of frozen cup cakes so Mary Hohe offered to bring fresh cookies this morning.
The Red Cross calls me weekly wanting me to donate blood as I have O negative blood which is a universal donor type. The Plymouth Women’s Circle will host a blood drive on June 26th at the PCCC. Put that on your calendar now so that if they call you also, you can tell them you are scheduled for June.
On Sunday, several from our church planned to go to the movie, ” I Can’t Even Imagine”. I had planned to go as I had heard it was very good. Indeed it was. The movie was about a young man who had a very difficult childhood but eventually overcame it and both he and his father found faith. He wrote the above mentioned song and it was the story of his life and how he came to write the song. I think the movie will inspire you if you have time to go see it. Also found out that a senior movie ticket on Sunday afternoon is only $4. Should have learned that earlier this winter!
Wondering if spring will every get here. Snow 3 Sundays in a row. Yuk!
Have a good week. Scatter Kindness.