Our sympathy to the family of John O’Neal who passed away this week. Two loses for one family so close together. Also one of my class mates, David Feld, passed away this week. Please pray for these families.
Imagine our surprise to get over six inches of snow on Easter Sunday, April first! Though it was quite lovely, I have not heard anyone praising the snow but rather everyone is wishing for spring to finally arrive. When I did the show in Paris on March 24th, I saw corn planted in the Hannibal bottoms and I wonder how those seeds are handling snow for two weekends in a row. I know that my daffodils and Lenten Roses are struggling with the cold and the weight of the white stuff. Mother Nature-enough all ready!
Had an Amish couple at the store on Tuesday. They tried a bottle of my new furniture polish. It not only cleans furniture well but I have found that it works really well on stoneware too. Great to have local shoppers in the store.
Attended the Plymouth village Board meeting on Wednesday as did a lot of other Plymouth residents. Plymouth has so many problems right now. We have crumbling houses and business buildings, no police on duty, streets that need repair, yards that need to be cleaned up, a water plant and tower that are extremely old and more problems, yet it seems that much of the last two meetings has been taken up with trying to write ordinances that we have no one to enforce. Perhaps we should tackle these problems in order. It would seem that first we need a police man or men who will work for the village. Once we have that person, they could work on enforcing the ordinances which we already have. If we got the abandoned buildings torn down, the the coons, possums, skunks, kitties and more would have no place to breed. Dogs need to be pinned or on a leash. I understand that three dogs attacked a pet goat in town. Before you laugh, think that that attack could have as easily been to a child or could have killed someone’s family pet.
Kitties are not really the problem. Their people are the problem. Their people need to spay or neuter their pets. Last fall two kitties were tossed out up town. One made it to my home, the other probably was killed. Last week another kitty was tossed uptown with a foot half gone. I suspect it was caught in a trap. It is not reasonable to expect people to not try to help helpless/homeless animals. Prince Harry would like to thank everyone who supported him and his cousins at the Board meeting.
We had five for Bible study on Thursday morning. It has been a difficult time for our group. We are getting older and our group grows smaller. If you are considering joining in on Bible study, now would be a good time. We meet on Thursday morning at 9:30 am at my home. Pat Phelps leads the study.
Friday morning I went to Dittmer Tax Service to pick up my taxes and found the Stienbargers there. Think John Dittmer has several antique dealers among his clients. Nice to have them done a bit before the deadline this year.
Sunday the Board of the Collectors of Illinois Pottery and Stoneware met in Vermont, IL at the home of Ray and Kathy Goodell. Good group of people, good food but also quite a lot of work to be done. It is just really nice to work with people who work together to make things better for everyone. Headed home when the snow began to fall again this Sunday.
Have a good week. It is supposed to be warm for one day this week. Enjoy it! Pray for those around you. Be kind to all God’s children, both two and four footed.