Some time ago someone gave me a POW bracelet for Capt. William Butler 11-20-67. I checked it on Google this week and found that he came home after five and a half years as a POW. Then I also found out that he had passed away. So glad that he was able to reunite with his family.
The holes are dug to anchor my solar panels. If they were stocked, I could go fishing as the holes are completely filled with water. My neighbor assures me that cement will set even in water!
Uncovered my fish ponds this week. Have not been able to see any fish. I did find two full grown, green head bull frogs in them. A check with Google tells me that these frogs will eat anything. May have to restock I think!
Have reconnected with some of my former students on Facebook. This has been interesting. Now I need to go back and find what has been happening in their lives between their graduation and now. Am very proud of the adults they have become.
If you have a B&B, then you have to have completed a food handling course. In the past, I have gone to a class sponsored by a college, had a teacher, took the test and then have gotten my certificate. Enter COIVD19. Asked on Facebook if anyone had taken the course on line and got three replies. I went to ServSafe to sign up for the course. Over and over the sign in told me that my phone number was not a correct number. Think Adams might disagree with that! Finally went to a help chat and had the helper fill in the form for me. The course was about two hours in length. It was given by a young man and one answered questions while taking the course. I felt it was very well done. Hope none of my former instructors are reading this but it was better and easier to understand than the full day courses I have taken in the past. Also my test score was higher than it has been in the past! Thanks for those of you who responded to my questions. Will continue to take the course on line next time.
Aired up the tires on my bicycle and have been riding most days. I think all streets in Plymouth and the surrounding area are uphill. Not sure just how this can be but it certainly seems to be. Anyway I feel my legs getting stronger each day. That is a good thing. Should have aired up the tires sooner.
Last week I wanted to bake a cake and also needed to clean my frig. I had a pint of applesauce in the frig that I needed to use so used a yellow cake mix, two eggs, a pint of apple sauce and a teaspoon of cinnamon. Mixed for two minutes and medium speed and put it in a glass nine by twelve dish. Baked at 350 till it was done. Though the batter was pretty stiff and you have to level it with a spatula, it raised evenly and well. Turned out to be very good and really moist. Think I will try this type creation with other things. Already have done it with a chocolate cake mix and a can of cherry pie filling and two eggs. Mmm good.
We had an inch and a half of rain this week during those two days of rain. Feel very blessed that we did not get more. I know that other places had much more and that the rivers were rising rapidly. Looks like more rain this week but perhaps it will go around us.
Pastor Sheri has been putting our church services on Facebook and YouTube. She and those helping are getting very good at this. If you would like to see the services, you can search “Living Faith United Methodist Church” on Facebook. Pick the correct one as there is more than one Living Faith church. You want the one in Bowen, Illinois. I think that all the services are still on the site.
And since there is not a lot to do since my store is closed, I think about eating a lot. Today I decided to go in whole hog. I fried white chicken breasts because that is what I had in the freezer. I made loaded mashed potatoes because I had sour cream and I love potatoes. I made chicken gravy just because I love gravy. Then I made a batch of corn bread in an iron skillet. There was not one healthy item in this lunch but I enjoyed ever bite of it. Only wish that I could have invited a few of you to enjoy lunch with me!
Yesterday while I was in my bedroom, a photo of Ben and me just fell over. There was no apparent reason. I was not walking, a window was not open, there was just nothing that should have caused it. Makes one wonder.
I hope you are all staying safe. May you have a good week. Remember to think of others during this difficult time.