Thanks to Kayla, I was able to make a trip to Quincy to stock up my mall booth at Sullivan’s Antiques and Crafts at 9th and Hampshire. Also picked up groceries for Christmas and did some quick shopping. After getting back to Plymouth, I baked 4 dozen cookies for the Plymouth Women’s Circle Christmas boxes.
There is a cedar tree in the NE corner of my yard. I let it grow so that I could put Christmas lights on it after the fir I had planted in front got too big and I had it cut down. The cedar did nicely until last summer when the top of it got somehow broken out. The side branches then tried to make a new top but it was not very successful. The top was ugly and the tree had gotten misshapen. Last week I got out the pruners and tried to correct the whole situation. I do not even know if one can successfully prune a cedar, we will find out this spring if the tree does not die. Last week I put new lights on the tree but did not have enough. Tuesday I was able to put more lights that matched the one string I put on the tree last week. Now there are 3 strings of lights on the tree and it looks OK for this season.
Wednesday night Plymouth Women’s Circle met at the PCCC. There were 12 members present. We filled Christmas boxes with cookies and candy for approximately 60 people in the Plymouth area. Each person there took several boxes to distribute. I got my nine boxes out the next day. Everyone seems to enjoy the Christmas treats from the Circle. Joyce Steiner was hostess for the meeting.
Friday I was eating lunch at the kitchen table and kept seeing light fluffy things floating past the window. I thought perhaps it was snowing or perhaps some one had a fire going and bits of burnt paper or something were blowing by the window. Intrigued, I got up and looked out my kitchen window for the source of the “flakes”. To my surprise and some upset, the source was a hawk sitting in my tree tearing feathers out of a bird it had killed. I watched as the hawk continued to pull feathers out of it’s lunch and pull out chunks of meat and gobble them down. Do not know what kind of bird he killed. Is it cannibalism when one bird eats another bird?
Friday morning I made a quick trip to Macomb and saw an eagle at the bridge over the Lamoine River. See eagles pretty frequently in our area now. The comeback of the eagle is a conservation success story.
Had a very pleasant evening at John and Arlis Dittmer’s wonderful home on Saturday evening. You may know that they brought back a home from the East coast built in the 1700’s in pieces and reassembled it in Illinois. It is just a wonderful home filled with lovely things.
Sunday morning was special at Living Faith United Methodist Church in Bowen. The children of the church sang and had speaking pieces during the morning service. Next Sunday, Christmas Eve, there will be both a morning service at 10 am and a candle light evening service at 7 pm. Everyone is invited to both services.
Went back to Vermont to Ray and Kathy Goodell’s home for another Christmas party Sunday afternoon. More stoneware friends, more good food and more conversation. Thank you Ray and Kathy.
This weekend will be Christmas. We celebrate the birth of Jesus who brings hope for us both in this life and the next. May you have a good Christmas and may you remember the reason for the celebration. Scatter Kindness.