Well the news now is all about the low temperatures. Wear the proper layers of clothing and protect your face when you have to go out. I have to go out every day to feed birds, squirrels, kitties both mine and feral and normally to run the antiques store.
Living Faith did not have services on the 31st due to the low temperatures. We also did not have Bible study this week.
Tuesday of a week ago, a gentleman and I had a stoneware swap in the Wal Mart parking lot in Macomb. As there was an exchange of both merchandise and cash, I always figure it looks like a “drug deal” going down in the parking lot! Got some nice stoneware however.
On last Thursday when we were having Bible study, a group of young ladies rang the door bell. They had cookies for me. Thank you so much, they were appreciated.
Went to the Auction at Sullivan and Son on the 23rd. Got a few things for the store. Prices were pretty strong. The auction contained more things from Donnie Weinberg of Quincy and others.
The Christmas Eve service at Living Faith was just wonderful. It was everything a Christmas service should be. There was special music by many. The choir sang, two young people played violin, there were solos, our pastor played and sang and more wonderful music. We had communion and a candle lighting ceremony. Such a change in only 6 months. Come join us if you do not already have a church family.
Finally saw some geese flying south last week. They were not in a v formation but were rather in a line. Think they were just flying as fast as they could go to reach a warmer climate!
Sara Mullins stopped by the store last week. Was really great to see her. She has changed her life by losing a lot of weight. We both giggled about being “obese” according to the charts but we both feel good and are healthy-perhaps the charts do not take into account all that they should.
Stopped by Gentry Motor Company to have air put in my tires. Seems like when very cold temperatures hit, that one’s tires lose air. Want everything to be done that can be done to keep my vehicles in good running condition during the extreme temperatures.
Have learned that two friends have passed away. Jim Ballagh was a long time friend of Ben and mine. He was known as Hangman and pin striped cars and motor cycles. We went to Iowa to visit with him and his wife several times. She passed away a few years ago and Jim moved and became a chef on a boat as well as at a restaurant. I always sent them Christmas cards. This year the card came back marked “deceased unable to forward”. Actually it would have been kind of neat if the Post Office had been able to forward it. There are a lot of people in heaven with whom I would like to communicate.
Saw Jason Morser at Wal Mart and he said that his mom had passed. They lived in the Lucie house which Monte and Lisa Pryor restored. Morser’s bought it when Monte and Lisa moved.
Had an electric mattress pad on my bed. It died yesterday. Oh well, ordered a new one off the internet as it was not a good day to drive to Quincy. It is supposed to be here by January 8th. I will predict that this brutal cold will be gone by January 8th.
Had a call for a room at the B&B after 11 pm a couple of weeks ago. I was in my jammies watching TV at the time. Asked what was bringing him to Plymouth, Il and he said that he was not here yet and that it would be at least another half hour before he got here. Declined the customer. One just needs to plan ahead if they are going to stay at a B&B. A B&B is someone’s home, not a motel and the “light is not always on”.
We sadly say good by to WCAZ today.
Hope you had a good Christmas. May 2018 be a good year for each of you. I know that 2017 was not the greatest for a lot of people but we should be grateful for every day “on the green side of the grass”. Scatter Kindness.