One of the best people who lived in Plymouth passed away this week. Wanda Eddington fought a valiant battle with cancer for a very long time. She went to be with her Lord on Friday. Our sympathy to all her family and friends. She will be missed by us all.
Dorothy Torok fell on Thursday and broke her wrist and more. She was released from the hospital today, Sunday. Our prayers are with her for a full recovery. Dorothy is 102 years old and is a remarkable person.
Brent Engle has written another book about the Augusta area. He had a book signing and sold his books at the Augusta library on Saturday morning. If you missed him, you may still get a book by contacting him. I have his number at the store if any one needs it. I suggested that he write about Plymouth and he told me that there were some stories about Plymouth people in this edition. I know there is one about Adelaide Johnson who was a sculptor from Plymouth. Shirley Burton has also written a book about her.
The American Legion sponsored a soup supper on Saturday evening. Thanks to every one who supported the supper. They served vegetable, chili and oyster soup as well as steam burgers and dessert.
Don’t often get out of Plymouth for too long so enjoyed a trip to Branson, Missouri this week. I first went on the Christmas Branson trip with the Chosen ones with Esther Sellars. I have continued to go since she passed away. One meets the bus in Manchester, the home of the Chosen Ones, at 8 am on Monday morning. We make a couple of stops to pick up more passengers then head south west. Our first stop was for lunch at the Sirloin Stockade in Rolla, Mo. where we enjoyed a great lunch. We stay at the Camden Hotel which is right above a huge shopping center and right behind a good restaurant which has a huge chicken out front. In fact one walks through the chicken’s legs to enter the restaurant. After dinner at Shorty Small’s we enjoyed the Presley’s Country Jubilee. Each evening is capped off with warm cobbler and ice cream at the hotel. Tuesday, one had the option of shopping or staying at the hotel. Will let you guess which I chose! Had lunch with the big chicken and others from the group. We then headed out to the Sight and Sound Theater for the “Miracle of Christmas”. It was wonderful. The theater is huge. It seats over 2000 people. Camels, lamas, goats, horses and more travel up the aisles to the stage. The stage has three parts, the front and both sides. There were also angels suspended from the roof. Wonder how one auditions for the part of a flying angel. Anyway the show is well worth the trip to Branson. After that show we had dinner at McFarlins’s Restaurant and then were off the the Sanders Family Christmas show. More cobbler and ice cream. On Wednesday after breakfast at the hotel, we left for the First Baptist Church in Forsyth, Mo. where The Chosen Ones and the Lester’s gave a Christmas concert for us. They always give a good show. It is a pleasure to travel with The Chosen Ones because they are such nice, positive people. Both the Lester’s and The Chosen Ones appear in the area. Go see them if you get a chance.
My poor painter is painting on my porch even as I write this at 9:29 pm on Sunday. The temperature is to drop very dramatically this week and he is trying to finish painting my home before the temperature drop.
Keep your neighbors in your prayers this week-both those who have suffered loss and those who are sick or injured.
Scatter Kindness.