I was surprised when Julia Metzger received a package in the mail this week. You see Julia was the wife of Henry Metzger who built the home I live in. She passed approximately 100 years ago. Since it was addressed to my address, I eventually opened it and found a box of Lipton tea. Recently I had a guest from New Your City who wanted Lipton tea. I have a tea box with twenty or so flavored teas, herbal, black, green etc. but no Lipton. I suspect his secretary read enough of my web site to learn that the home was built by Henry for his wife Julia and then stopped reading. So if you would like a cup of Lipton tea, stop by as I have a hundred Lipton tea bags!
The Plymouth American Legion is sponsoring a Soup Supper on Saturday Dec. 2nd beginning at 4 pm. The supper will be held at the Legion building on the west side of the Plymouth Square. Soups, sandwiches and desserts will be served for a free will donation. Come out and support the projects of the American Legion.
On Tuesday evening I spoke to the Colchester Historical Society. I often try to tailor my presentations to my audience. This one was easy. My cousin worked at the brick yard in Colchester and he made birdhouses out of tile. Colchester, Macomb and Tennessee had potteries. My grand mother lived the last portion of her life in Colchester and she made quilts. I spoke on stoneware, birdhouses, quilts and of course hair art. Had a really good reception and there was a lot of interaction with the audience. Was fun.
Wednesday after closing the store, I made cranberries and cooked chicken. Also processed some onions and celery and cooked them in butter to start the dressing. Already had pies in the freezer from the Plymouth Women’s Circle bake sale and soup supper so on Thursday morning it was pretty easy to finish the stuffing, make the gravy and take off to Industry for Thanksgiving. My niece, Marcella, fixed the turkey, potatoes, sweet potato and squash casseroles so we had a lot to eat. Hope you also had a good Thanksgiving.
Sullivan and Son always have a large auction on Black Friday. Guess they understand that a lot of us just are not interested in Black Friday! The had a huge amount of antiques and ran three rings all day. As I cannot be in three rings, there are always a lot of things that I would like to buy that I don’t get a chance to bid on. I know the store looks full but there is always room for more good items. Got a couple of hand made quilts, a quilt rack, some really nice small bowls from Morton Pottery and more. Nice day.
Many of you will remember Monte and Lisa Pryor who restored the very large Lucie house just north of Augusta. They were at the auction. Had been a very long time since I had seen them as they moved to Bushnell several years ago. Was just lovely to see them again.
Saturday was “small business Saturday”. It lived up to its name at Plymouth Rock Antiques. I even had a tray of cookies and put up a Christmas tree. Guess most everyone was shopping Wal-Mart!
Sunday some very brave people in our church took over the Thanksgiving dinner which our three churches used to sponsor in each community. This year it was held only in Bowen and every one was invited. We had a lot of really wonderful food at the church after the morning service. Thanks to all who helped and all who provided food. It was appreciated.
During the service Bruce Morton gave a lovely presentation of some of his photos accompanied by music. It was really moving and had several photos of local people and places. Hope he will give the presentation again so that more people can enjoy it.
Noticed that the home that Dixie Anderson lived in now has a for sale sign on it. It is a newer, really nice home near the north edge of Plymouth.
Curtis Baldwin and his family live in the Aleshire house in Plymouth. He has an arm with screws and metal in it from a fall. This week he fell again and broke it again. We have others in Plymouth who have lost a family member and those who are seriously ill. Please keep all these people and families in your prayers.
Scatter Kindness.