First will mention that there will be two opportunities to eat out in the near future. The West Point Fire Protection District soup and sandwich supper is scheduled for March 3rd at Sullivan and Son Events center. More details next week.
The Plymouth Women’s Circle will have their annual chicken and noodle dinner on March 17th. This will be a full meal. Plan now to come out and support both events.
Looked out my kitchen window and what did I see-a black and white turkey. What? For several days, there has been a lovely black and white turkey in my yard. It has the shape of a wild turkey not the kind we think of at Thanksgiving. It enjoys the corn which the birds and squirrels drop on the ground. One day I had three squirrels and a turkey at the same time. Really cute and pretty. I am sure the turkey has a home close to me as it definitely is not a wild turkey. Stay safe pretty bird.
Last Wednesday was the Plymouth Village Board meeting. One of the items mentioned was that when cars park on both sides of East Main Street that there is not room for two way traffic on the street. I have had trouble with that myself. Glad to see the problem addressed at the meeting. I believe that there will be no parking signs put up on the south side of the street because all the people that live on that side have off street parking and that seems the easiest way to solve the problem.
There was a survey on face book about the top 20 grocery stores. Unfortunately Rhodes Market did not make the list but Aldi, HyVee and Sam’s Club did. We are fortunate to have all four of those stores in our shopping area.
Plymouth Women’s Circle met on Wednesday evening at the PCCC. Jessica Phelps told us about her experience with prison ministry. It was very interesting. We used to hear how well prisoners ate. Definitely not the case now. Dinner was furnished by hostesses Mel Dorothy and Rhonda Baker.
We had eight ladies for Bible study on Wednesday. We had cupcakes made by Rhonda Baker for desert. Thanks Rhonda.
There have been such cute ads for the movie “Peter Rabbit” so I went to Macomb to see it today. It was cute. Would recommend it for any age. No killing though there was a death almost immediately. Really cute animals of all descriptions.
Have been watching the Olympic Games from South Korea. Has been very interesting to see South Korea. With all the news coming from the divided country, it is nice to see two weeks of cooperation which unfortunately I do not think will last. In addition to the flags from all the participating countries, we also have gay flags this year. Glad to see the event is inclusive.
Hope you had a good week. Scatter Kindness.