Plymouth Area News by Joyce Steiner
The big news of the week was the weather again. Monday evening Quincy had a lot of storm damage. Many trees down, power lost to thousands of customers. Some of those trees landed on homes and cars causing even more damage. We are so sorry for all the damage as Quincy is noted for its many trees.
Tuesday we had a Missions Committee meeting at Living Faith United Methodist Church. We finalized plans for the back pack give away on Sunday afternoon, August 2nd from 2-4 pm at the church. We also explained the project to our new pastor and his wife. Plans are going well. Remember this project is for all students in the Southeastern school district.
On Tuesday I also started carrying packed boxes to the van in preparation for 3rd Sunday Market. Bought three hanging lamps at the Lowderman auction and hung two of them in the store on Tuesday and packed up one for the show.
Thursday I ran to Macomb to visit with Dot Burdett and skirted around another storm which Matt Lingenfelter got some photos of which he posted on FB. Looked like a tornado just east of Macomb. One did damage further north in Cameron.
Friday I was called to do an appraisal in Macomb for two ladies. They were very nice to work with and hopefully I gave them some idea of what to ask for items which they hoped to sell.
Saturday, my weather radio and I took off for Bloomington. Storms were predicted but Bloomington missed them. Found another inch of rain in my gage when I got home, so Plymouth did not miss the storm.
All the ditches around Macomb are filled with water. Fields are flooded and more rain is predicted tonight.
Bloomington was interesting. It was terribly hot on Saturday when we were setting up our booth. The AC was not on in our part of the building. Did get a good display up anyway. Headed for our favorite restaurant and had a fine dinner. Sunday morning was gray and we had some sprinkles but actually the weather was great on Sunday. The crowd seemed to be down. My financial
report shows only three checks and no one asking to use credit so sales at the show were not strong. Did enjoy our neighbors at the show. Carol, who sells post cards, was back and we enjoy her company. Had two very nice gentlemen next to us who had not done the show before. I think we made two new friends.
There was a lovely new moon in the western sky during my drive home-beautiful. Pretty sunset and clouds but lightening off to the south.
We do need for the rain to stop for a while. Afraid it is too late for a lot of the crops. Fields underwater are providing habitat for herons in unusual places.
Hope you have a good week. Hopefully all these storms and rain will soon take a break. Scatter Kindness.