Plymouth Area News by Joyce Steiner
Monday the council of the Living Faith United Methodist church met at 7 pm at the church in Bowen. Each head of a committee is on the church council. All members were present. We discussed many ways in which to move our church forward including the survey which members of the council are asking people of the church to discuss with them. Good meeting.
We had .4 inches of rain in Plymouth on Monday which was not too bad.
Tuesday was the first day of the Hancock County fair and entries had to be in Tuesday afternoon and evening. As I used to be in 4H for many years and always went to the 4H fair, it is fun to go to the Hancock County Fair. Took 6 entries in the hobby categories and got 6 ribbons, 2 blue, 3 red and 1 white. Was very pleased though one of my friends took only 1 entry and got a blue ribbon on it.
Our sympathy to the family of Ron Akers who passed away on Wednesday, July 22nd. Connie Corder is Ron’s sister.
Ed Newton took me to the Hotel Nauvoo on Wednesday evening to celebrate my birthday which was July 23rd. Though the 23rd was Thursday, the hotel has ribs on Wednesday-thus Wednesday!
I planned my week so that Friday evening would be free so that I could go to the fair and watch the bull riding. Many years ago, one of my friends and I went to a bull riding contest in Colorado. We talked to some of the riders after the show and asked why any one would do something that dangerous. They said one could do any thing for 8 seconds. Hum not sure about that. There are many things I would not even try for 8 seconds. Must say that Sherriff Benzinger did very well on his ride. Any way I hope they will continue to have bull riding at the fair. Did not seem that there were as many horse events as usual as I have gone on Sunday afternoon to watch team roping and there was nothing on Sunday afternoon this year.
Also had B&B guests arrive on Friday and Saturday evenings. They were here to attend a wedding in Augusta and to visit with friends in the area. Nice people. They did not get great care as I was off to an auction on Saturday morning and off to church and a church pot luck on Sunday morning. Left them with plenty of fresh fruit and the admonition to make them selves at home and stay as long as they liked when I left.
When I got to Sullivan and Son auction house on Saturday, there were candles every where. Seems they had no power and had not had any for several hours. Though it was a very romantic ambience, was not too good for seeing the items one was bidding on. The power came back on soon after the auction began so that was great. Thanks Ameren.
As I mentioned there was a pot luck at the church to welcome our new minister and his family. Great food. The pastor’s wife is planning to start a Sunday school class for jr and sr high students. Hope we can get a good class going. Sunday school begins at 9 am and we have two adult classes also.
At least it is not raining every day now. Not supposed to have rain again until Wednesday. Is supposed to be hot Monday and Tuesday but it is July and almost August so that is normal. Mowed a few minutes tonight. If one mows a bit most every day, it is not so bad as having to mow a lot of tall wet grass all at once.
Made a quick trip to Quincy this afternoon as I have a smoke detector which is chirping. It is not supposed to be as it is a sealed detector which is supposed to last ten years and it is only 4 years old. Not pleased but bought another as one does not have to ever put new batteries in them and as I said, there are SUPPOSED to last for 10 years. Stopped at Appleby’s as I have many gift cards for that chain. I learned for the second time what NOT to order there. Hope I get it right one of these days. Sweet and spicy means “hot”. Had to scrape the sauce off my food to eat it.
Remember the back pack give away for Southeastern students is next Sunday, August 2nd from 2 to 4 pm and that all students in the district are welcome to come to the event.
Have a great week. Pray for your neighbors and those who are ill. Scatter Kindness.