Plymouth Women’s Circle chicken and noodle dinner is Saturday, March 17th from 4:30-7 pm at the PCCC. Chicken and noodles may also be purchased by the quart. A donation of $7 for adults and $5 for children will be accepted. There will be a full meal served including home made desserts. Please plan to come and enjoy the good food, the company and support a good cause.
Shortly after I arrived at the antique store on Thursday, there was a lot of activity on the east side of the square. Eventually I figured out that there was a truck on its side. The fire department arrived and helped get a person out of the truck. Eventually two life flight helicopters arrived, one landing on the square and the other at the ball park I think. Two ambulances also arrived. There was one very serious injury and one not serious if I understand correctly. Most accidents can be avoided. I am so sorry this happened.
Took the day off from the store Monday to go to Quincy and clean my mall booth and get my check. Also shopped a bit and had lunch. Nice weather and a good day.
I had been seeing so many posts on face book of ducks and geese on the river that I decided to go to the Mississippi after work on Tuesday. I saw exactly 2 ducks and 7 geese! What I did not see until it was too late was that someone had lost quite a lot of building material on 336 south of Carthage. I hit one of the 2×4’s with my VW and did not think too much about it. On Wednesday morning, I got into the VW and decided that it had a definite tilt to it and got back out. Both tires were totally flat on the drivers side. Took me quite a while to remember the wood on the road. One cannot just put on the spare and drive to get two tires fixed so texted John Gentry and asked for help. They got my car and fixed my tires and I did not have to buy two new tires. Thank goodness.
Thursday morning we had 8 for Bible study. Pat Phelps is leading the study. Pat and Mary Ruth Phillips brought cookies. Thank you both.
Saturday evening was the West Point Fire Department soup supper and silent auction held at the Sullivan and Son building. It was a huge success. The building was full. They had several soups, sandwiches and desserts available. So nice to be able to support a worthy event and see so many of my friends and neighbors.
Also had a lot of people at Plymouth Rock Antiques on Saturday. Thanks to all who came in and shopped.
Today we celebrated Calvin Steiner’s birthday. He is the son of Curtis Steiner, one of my brother’s sons. Calvin turned 11 on Saturday. Sometimes I worry about the condition of our world for the future of our children.
Please keep the community, state, nation and world in your prayers. We have so many who are in need of our prayers. Scatter Kindness.