First I have three reminders for chances to eat!
The Plymouth Women’s Circle will host their Annual Bazaar on Saturday, November 17th from 9 to 11 am at the PCCC located just west of the Plymouth Square. Soup by the quart, home made candy, baked goods and sandwiches will be available for carry out. Please come out and support the Plymouth Women’s Circle. We work to keep up the Plymouth Circle Community Center and do other projects for the good of the community.
Later on Saturday, you are invited to the Augusta Lions Club Wild Game Feed. Serving will be from 4:30 to 7 pm at the Augusta Senior Center. The dinner will include venison, BBQ coon, Squirrel and thankfully maid rites, green beans, assorted salads and desserts. Drinks will also be furnished- all for a free will donation.
On Sunday, November 18th, a free Thanksgiving dinner will be served at Living Faith United Methodist Church in Bowen. Serving is expected to begin at 11:30 am and last till 1:00 pm. Everyone is invited to come, eat, give thanks and enjoy the company of friends or make new friends.
It has been an ugly week for all the hunters staying at Plymouth Rock Roost Bed and Breakfast. I have hunters from Miami, Michigan and Arkansas. They have been treated to rain, snow, windy days and cold temperatures running about 20 degrees below normal. Just try to imagine the fun of being up in a deer stand during these conditions! I know that two hunters got deer and just tonight one of the fellas said they saw 40 some deer while driving. I suggested that driving into a deer on the road might be the most successful way to “hunt”. Probably not a really good idea but we do have a lot of deer, vehicle collisions.
Tuesday was election day. The turn out was good all over the nation. Whether you liked the out come of the election is probably not as important as the fact that you voted. Our nation, as a whole, needs to learn to talk politics with out hate and really listen to differing points of view. Neither party is all right or all wrong. What I do feel is wrong is that we seem to be “buying” elections. It seems that one has to be really “rich” to run in these times. It is also a great relief to not have to watch those hateful political ads on TV all evening.
A long time friend, stoneware collector and fellow vendor at 3rd Sunday Market, Jerry Beall, passed away on Tuesday. He had fought a very long battle with diabetes and nonhealing. Our sympathy to all who knew him.
Spent a couple of days mowing leaves. They are so thick and heavy that even the mowed pieces are still very heavy and I fear they will harm the grass if I am not able to do more with them. The leaf color was especially bright this year and I enjoyed seeing them outside my bedroom window for several days.
Hoping the feral kitties up town will find a place to stay warm this winter. I put out food and water for them but still feel so sorry for them. Have gotten two of them caged long enough to get them neutered but have a couple more that I need to be able to catch. Please be a responsible pet owner and fix your pets. Dumping them is really not a solution to over population and causes undue hardship for your former pets or those who try to take care of them after they have been dumped.
The weather is to continue to be cold this week but we should see a lot of sunshine. Sun really helps my attitude!
Have a great week. Scatter Kindness to all.