The Plymouth Women’s Circle Holiday Bazaar is this Saturday, November 19th. The hours are 9-11 am. We will have soup by the quart, crafts, home made candy, baked goods and more. The Bazaar will be held at the PCCC just west of the Plymouth Square. Please come out and support the Bazaar and get some really good home made treats.
Tuesday was election day. Got up early to vote. Hope you did the same. It is very difficult to know what to say about the election and its out come so I will just say nothing.
Tuesday evening was the Plymouth Village Board meeting. Not too much could be done as the village clerk was on the election board and there were several questions that could not be answered so items were tabled until the next meeting. Board pay was clarified.
Wednesday I spent the day at Sullivan Auction. John Sullivan was back and auctioned all day. He is a good man and though I am glad to have him back as an auctioneer, he will be missed in Springfield. He worked very hard for our area and supported all of us. I am sorry that he chose not to run again. Got more than a van load at the auction so drop by the store to see the new items.
Last week Hank Larson told me how good the tacos were at KD’s Coop so I stopped by and tried them. They have both soft shell and hard shell so I tried them both. They were great and I went back this Thursday again. If you like tacos, you will want to stop by KD’s on Thursdays.
Friday there was a dinner at Wesley Village. Dennis and Carol Rankin and I attended. The focus this year is to make the nursing home wings into family like units. Remodeling will be done in each wing to make it look like a home complete with a porch, a kitchen etc. The residents will be allowed to operate more independently. They will be allowed to get up when they want, eat when they want etc. Sounds good for the residents and like a really lot of work for the staff. Since the purpose of Wesley is to serve the residents, this sounds like a wonderful concept. Carol had a reservation about the “family” losing too many members because of the age of the family members. Guess when we reach retirement age and if and when living in a nursing home becomes a necessity, we need to be able to accept the reality that death is also a part of life.
Worked at the antique store on Saturday instead of going to an auction because I was still trying to get the van emptied from Wednesday’s auction.
Sunday was a busy day as usual. The church bulletin did not have a liturgist named so I volunteered to be liturgist. The veterans at church were recognized. After church headed for Quincy for lunch at Golden Corral and then bought some shoes and clothes. Have mentioned just how much I hate to shop so you know how much fun that was for me! Got home in time to stop by Brick Wall Pizza for my pizza fix. I did not have bar be que bacon tonight but it is still my favorite pizza flavor.
Just got word that a classmate, John Broadhead, passed away on Saturday. He attended country school, Tennessee school then Colchester schools. His family was into steam engines as were my neighbors Neil and Marie McClure. Helen McClure married John Broadhead. Very sorry to hear of his passing. Our sympathy to his family and friends.
The recent election seems to have had some unexpected consequences. On Wednesday there were a group of young adults in the gazebo in the Plymouth park. As I was closing the store, someone called my name. As I did not know the young people I did not respond. Soon they yelled “Joyce Steiner f–k you”. I have heard of many other incidents like this happening across our country only much worse. It is not right to bully anyone. It is not right to uphold the KKK or to hate some one because of their skin color, their age, their ethnic origin, there dress and more. We live in a small town. We need to respect each other and help each other. No one has an easy life. We all have trials and sorrows. It would make life easier for all if we were kind to every one, every living thing and our planet. Trying to step on someone else to elevate yourself seldom, if ever works. Scatter Kindness.