We Are Community 92
Will begin this week with some upcoming events and thank yous.
Thank you to the Journal Pilot for running my photo with the column. Makes me feel right “up town” with the other columnists.
This is Holy Week and there will be several services at your local churches. Living Faith will have a Passover Seder meal on Maundy Thursday beginning at 6:30 pm. There is a Good Friday Tenebrae service beginning at 7 pm. This is a rather somber service. Easter sunrise service will begin at 6:30 followed by breakfast from 7:45-8:45 and the regular service will be at 9 instead of 10 am. If you do not have a church family, please join us.
There will be a card shower for A J Johnson, PO Box 202, Plymouth, IL. 62367 in honor of her 90th birthday on April 16th.
Thank you to Rudy’s for having Sunday chicken. Enjoy Sunday “dinner” there with friends each week.
Have been trying to work in the flower beds some. Have to take off the dead seed heads from last fall which I left for the birds over winter. Uncovered a sleeping toad and covered it back up as the weather has been chilly and rather unpleasant this week. Lots of creeping Charlie and another invasive plant with purple flowers.
Wednesday evening was the Plymouth Village Board meeting. New playground equipment has been ordered. Thankfully it will be tan and green instead of red and yellow. There were two new employees hired who will work for the village doing mowing and other needed work. Opening of the rest rooms was discussed. There is a need for someone to lock and unlock them as well as seeing that they are kept in good order. Having a movie night was also discussed. It was noted that plastic numbers 1 and 2, aluminum and tin cans may be placed in the town dumpster behind the library. I suspect that when other items are wrongly placed in the dumpster that it all goes into the landfill rather than being recycled because that would mean that all the trash would need to be sorted by hand.
Last night and today someone has been setting off loud fireworks both late at night and in the day time. Please consider just how upsetting very loud noises are to people who have been in war zones. What you may think is “fun” could traumatize others. Please be respectful.
I read the Quincy paper and a young Amish lady writes a column for it. She and her husband have several small children including some which they have recently adopted. She writes about their life and how much her family means to her. At the beginning of this week’s column was a note that her husband had been killed in a tree accident. I was totally devastated when my husband passed unexpectedly. I mourn for Gloria in the loss of her husband, Daniel, and his support. I cannot imagine the trauma to her and her small children. Which leads to Ukraine where not one but thousands of husbands and wives and family members are senselessly being slaughtered. Hug your friends and family and remember to tell them how much you appreciate and love them each day.
Remember Holy Week this week. We have to go through the suffering and death of Jesus to come to Easter Sunday and the resurrection. Easter gives us hope for life after our days here on earth.
Pray for the Amish family. Pray for your friends and neighbors who may be ill or who have suffered loss. Just be kind to those you come in contact with this week.