We Are Community 93
Just a reminder of the Plymouth all school reunion to be held June 5th at the PCCC. Reservations are $10 and need to be sent to Marge Goodin, 5395 E 200th St, Plymouth, IL 62367 by May 15th.
Got a note from Ruthanne Danielson telling me that Evelyn Baker is at the Elms Nursing Home in Macomb and that she is on Hospice care and would appreciate visits, phone calls or notes from her friends.
Has been a very busy week. Monday attended an Illinois Education Retired meeting in Macomb. One of our members fixed lunch for us all. Was a nice program. If you are a retired teacher who belonged to IEA, I would encourage you to join our group. We have members from all over the area and our next meeting will be in Nauvoo with a tour and meal planned.
Tuesday, the finance committee of Living Faith met at the church. It was a good meeting with a lot of discussion on how we can raise funds for the new roof which the church badly needs.
Wednesday the Plymouth Women’s Circle met at the PCCC. One of the agenda items was approval for a blood drive which will be held on June 11th at the PCCC. More on this later. We also need someone to clean the PCCC periodically so if anyone is interested in this position, please contact me.
Thursday was Maundy Thursday and we celebrated with a Seder meal. This was the last meal Jesus had with His disciples and also was the beginning of what we now celebrate as Communion. Friday was Good Friday which is celebrated with a Tenebrae Service which is a service of Darkness. Today is Easter Sunday. The sunrise service was greeted with a glorious sunrise just as I pulled into the parking lot. Got a lovely photo which I shared on facebook and with friends. We had a sunrise service followed by breakfast prepared by the men of the church. Many thanks to the men as well as our Pastor who actually slept at the church Saturday night. Breakfast was followed by the regular service. Am fairly sure that every pastor is breathing a sigh of relief and sleeping right now!
Sent off a couple of checks to pay additional taxes. I try not to complain about that as I really like public education, roads to drive on, police and fire protection, programs to help the needy and so much more. With the awful mess in Ukraine, perhaps a few of my tax dollars will go to help defend that country and its citizens.
Many families celebrate Easter with family and though my family is very small, we gathered to visit and eat so I made food for the festivities. I had forgotten just how good angel food cake is when you top it with fresh frozen homegrown strawberries.
Hope you enjoyed the nice days we had this week. There were some lovely sunsets and some miserably cold days. My flowers are glorious, perhaps because it is cooler but my peach trees are also blooming and we are to have temperatures below freezing this week. I think we are all ready for some warmer weather which is to come by next Saturday.
Let’s all “think spring” and hope for some warm sunny days and more spring flowers. Spring is such a lovely season as we see new life, green trees, busy squirrels, even a ground hog and we once again get to dig in the dirt.
Scatter Kindness and pray for Ukraine.