We Are Community for the week of April 26th, 2021, by Joyce Steiner


As I drove the black top to church this morning, I noted a lovely field of yellow flowers.  Though some may call them weeds, they are beautiful.  Appreciate nature.

The final service for Jerry Mayo was held at the Plymouth Circle Community Center on Saturday.  The service was conducted by Hamilton Funeral Home.  Plymouth Women’s Circle maintains the former Plymouth Methodist Church which is available for many uses by the community. For more information, one may contact me, Joyce Steiner.

Had the honor to attend the Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Colby Ellis on Sunday afternoon.  Troop 32 meets at Living Faith United Methodist Church and Pastor Dixie Croxton is Scoutmaster.  Brandon Gooding was the guest speaker and Pastor Sheri Renner offered prayer.  Troup 32 has had a large number of Eagle Scouts come from its ranks.  We are very proud of each of them.  Congratulations Colby.

Though the real spoon River Drive was cancelled for last year and I thought it was not going to happen in 2021 either, I received a contract for Spoon River this week.  This is the original drive that is held the first two full weekends of October.  Excited to be able to be at the Red Brick School in Smithfield again.  More details later.

It is spring as evidenced by the spring like weather.  One day we have warm sunny skies and the next we have snow.  All my lilies, tulips, blooming bushes, rhubarb, roses, bleeding heart and many more are either up or in full bloom.  Did not know how the freezing temperatures and snow would affect them.  Covered the rhubarb with a pretty flannel sheet.  All of them seem to be fine.  Even cut open a peach blossom to check and the interior was not frozen.  Good news indeed.

Our stoneware club, the Collectors of Illinois Pottery and Stoneware, are planning to hold both their annual  swap meet and convention in 2021.  Will be good to see my “stoneware friends” again.  You would probably be surprised how much people can bond over shared interests.

Have been unloading my van from the auction last Saturday.  My neighbors also had a sale for Mary and Mike Cludray this week and got some things for the store there.  Thanks to the customers who came to the store this week.  Had a couple of good days and it is so nice to meet fellow collectors.  Many of my long time friends are people I have met through the antique business.  Antiquing is also fun because one never knows just what they will find.  Trends go up and down.  Now would be a good time to collect lovely glassware because prices for it are pretty low compared to the past.  You can also buy good solid walnut and oak furniture very reasonably.  Primitives seem to hold their value well.  Metal tubs, buckets and wash tubs on legs are “hot” right now.  Many are using them for planters, including me, because they are very light weight and easy to move compared to those lovely heavy pots.

A gentleman who purchased a former Amish home stopped by the store this week to buy some furniture for his new home.  We welcome him to our community.

Had to start mowing this week.  That was a good thing for two reasons, I got some exercise and some mulch for my flower beds.

The power was out for a few minutes on Tuesday morning.  Understand it was a wide outage but don’t know what caused it.  Thankful that Ameren had the power back on within minutes.  Took them longer to call me for all my accounts to tell me that the power was back on than the length of time the power was actually off.

Saturday morning Windsong Acres, a project of Pastor Jeff and Shelly Rasche, had an open house and pottery sale.  I was eager to  see both the pottery and their koi ponds.  Both were beautiful.  I have a lovely hand thrown bowl on my kitchen table with candy now.

Demolition on the falling down buildings on the east side of the Plymouth Square began this week.  I am very disappointed to see that for whatever reason the  demolition has stopped.  Right now the Plymouth Square does not look good even though several of us do our best to keep up our buildings.

Observation led to a lesson to be learned today.  On the blacktop west of Plymouth there is a dead coon.  There is a dead buzzard not far from it.  It would appear that the buzzard was so concerned with the dead road kill that it too became road kill.  Though we all have to eat to survive, look up.  Appreciate the beauty around you.  Appreciate each day.  Enjoy the flowers.  Be kind to those around you.  Don’t be so busy looking down at dead or at ugly things that you lose your prospective of all the good things around you.  Scatter Kindness.

Posted in Plymouth News